ROIB::RoIBResult Node1 ROIB::RoIBResult + DOFL_bitMask + SUP1_bitMask + SUP2_bitMask + emOverflow + jOverflow + anyOverflow + emLink + jLink + RoIBResult() + RoIBResult() + RoIBResult() + RoIBResult() + RoIBResult() + muCTPIResult() + cTPResult() + jetEnergyResult() + eMTauResult() + l1TopoResult() and 14 more... - GetOverflowMask() Node2 ROIB::MuCTPIResult + MuCTPIResult() + MuCTPIResult() + ~MuCTPIResult() + MuCTPIResult() + operator=() + header() + trailer() + roIVec() + dump() + print() + dumpData() + dumpData() Node2->Node1 -m_RoIBResultMuCTPI Node3 std::vector< ROIB:: MuCTPIRoI > Node3->Node2 -m_MuCTPIResultRoIVec Node5 ROIB::Trailer + wordsPerTrailer + Trailer() + Trailer() + Trailer() + operator=() + operator=() + Trailer() + Trailer() + Trailer() + ~Trailer() + trailer() and 12 more... Node5->Node2 -m_MuCTPIResultTrailer Node9 ROIB::L1TopoResult + L1TopoResult() + header() + trailer() + rdo() + dump() Node5->Node9 -m_trailer Node15 ROIB::CTPResult - m_ctpDataformat - m_useRoIB - m_l1aBunch + CTPResult() + CTPResult() + CTPResult() + isValid() + isComplete() + header() + trailer() + roIVec() + TBP() + TAP() and 9 more... - convert() Node5->Node15 -m_CTPResultTrailer Node7 ROIB::Header + wordsPerHeader + Header() + Header() + Header() + Header() + operator=() + operator=() + Header() + Header() + Header() + ~Header() and 20 more... Node7->Node2 -m_MuCTPIResultHeader Node7->Node9 -m_header Node7->Node15 -m_CTPResultHeader Node8 std::vector< ROIB:: L1TopoResult > Node8->Node1 -m_RoIBResultL1Topo Node9->Node8 +elements Node11 std::vector< ROIB:: JetEnergyResult > Node11->Node1 -m_RoIBResultJetEnergy Node15->Node1 -m_RoIBResultCTP Node18 std::vector< ROIB:: EMTauResult > Node18->Node1 -m_RoIBResultEMTau