TrigConf::ThresholdConfig Node1 TrigConf::ThresholdConfig - m_ctpVersion - m_l1Version - m_thresholdVectors - m_TriggerThresholdVector - m_ClusterThresholdVector - m_CaloInfo + ThresholdConfig() + ~ThresholdConfig() + ThresholdConfig() + operator=() + thresholdVector() + getThresholdVector() + getThresholdVector() + thresholdVector() + getClusterThresholdType() + getThreshold() and 56 more... - insertInPosition() - getNimThresholdVectorByType() Node2 TrigConf::L1DataBaseclass - m_Lvl1MasterId + L1DataBaseclass() + ~L1DataBaseclass() + lvl1MasterTableId() + setLvl1MasterTableId() Node2->Node1 Node3 TrigConf::TrigConfData - m_smk - m_id - m_name - m_version - m_comment + TrigConfData() + ~TrigConfData() + superMasterTableId() + smk() + id() + name() + comment() + version() + setSuperMasterTableId() + setSMK() and 7 more... # indent() Node3->Node2