Trk::TargetSurface Node1 Trk::TargetSurface + sfType + index + volType + distanceAlongPath + distance + signAbsDist + intersection + status + TargetSurface() + ~TargetSurface() + setDistance() + setPosition() + setStatus() + fastDistanceUpdate() Node2 Trk::TrackingVolume - m_geometryType - m_colorCode - m_redoNavigation + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() and 52 more... # cloneTV() - indexContainedStaticLayers() - indexContainedMaterialLayers() - createBoundarySurfaces() - createLayerAttemptsCalculator() - compactify() - synchronizeLayers() - interlinkLayers() - moveTV() - TrackingVolume() - operator=() - closest() Node2->Node1 +assocVol Node2->Node2 -m_motherVolume Node16 std::vector< Trk::Tracking Volume * > Node2->Node16 +elements Node3 Trk::Volume # m_volumeBounds + Volume() + Volume() + Volume() + Volume() + ~Volume() + operator=() + clone() + transform() + center() + volumeBounds() + volumeBounds() + inside() + boundarySurfaceAccessor() Node3->Node2 Node8 Trk::Material + X0 + L0 + A + Z + rho + dEdX + zOaTr + Material() + Material() + Material() + Material() + ~Material() + operator=() + operator=() + scale() + zOverAtimesRho() + x0() + averageZ() + toString() Node8->Node2 Node12 CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr T< Trk::GlueVolumesDescriptor > + CachedUniquePtrT() + CachedUniquePtrT() + CachedUniquePtrT() + operator=() + ~CachedUniquePtrT() + set() + store() + get() + operator*() + operator->() + operator bool() + release() Node12->Node2 -m_outsideGlueVolumes Node18 Trk::LayerAttemptsCalculator + ~LayerAttemptsCalculator() + layerAttempts() + maxLayerAttempts() Node18->Node2 -m_layerAttemptsCalculator Node16->Node2 -m_confinedDenseVolumes Node19 Trk::BinnedArray< T > + BinnedArray() + ~BinnedArray() + clone() + object() + object() + entryObject() + nextObject() + arrayObjects() + arrayObjects() + arrayObjectsNumber() + binUtility() Node19->Node2 -m_confinedVolumes -m_confinedLayers Node40 Trk::BoundaryCheck + checkLoc1 + checkLoc2 + nSigmas + toleranceLoc1 + toleranceLoc2 + bcType - s_cos22 - s_cos45 - s_cos67 + AmgSymMatrix() + BoundaryCheck() + BoundaryCheck() + BoundaryCheck() + operator bool() + ComputeKDOP() + EllipseToPoly() + TestKDOPKDOP() + FastArcTan() + FastSinCos() Node40->Node1 +bcheck Node41 Trk::Surface # m_owner # s_onSurfaceTolerance + Surface() + ~Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + operator==() + operator!=() + clone() + uniqueClone() and 48 more... # Surface() # operator=() # Surface() # operator=() # inverseTransformHelper() # inverseTransformMultHelper() Node41->Node1 +surf