sTGCHandler Node1 sTGCHandler + sTGCHandler() + ElementHandle() + GetsTGCCurrent() Node2 XMLHandler # m_stopLoop + XMLHandler() + ~XMLHandler() + GetName() + ElementHandle() + Handle() + StopLoop() + IsLoopToBeStopped() # isAttribute() # getAttribute() # getAttributeAsString() # getAttributeAsDouble() # getAttributeAsInt() # getAttributeAsVector() # getAttributeAsIntVector() # getAttributeAsString() # getAttributeAsDouble() # getAttributeAsInt() and 7 more... - RegisterToStore() Node2->Node1 Node3 std::string Node3->Node2 #m_name Node6 AGDDDetector # m_small_x # m_large_x # m_y # m_z + AGDDDetector() + AGDDDetector() + ~AGDDDetector() + SetXYZ() + small_x() + large_x() + y() + z() + subType() + small_x() and 9 more... # GetMMMaterial() # AddDetectorPosition() # SetDetectorAddress() Node3->Node6 #m_name #m_sType #m_detectorID #m_detectorType +tech Node19 std::map< std::string, AGDDTechnology * > Node3->Node19 +keys Node4 std::basic_string< char > Node4->Node3 Node5 sTGCDetectorDescription # m_yCutout # m_stripPitch # m_wirePitch # m_stripWidth # m_yCutoutCathode # m_xFrame # m_ysFrame # m_ylFrame + sTGCDetectorDescription() + Register() + SetXYZ() + sWidth() + lWidth() + Length() + Tck() + yCutout() + yCutout() + stripPitch() and 15 more... # SetDetectorAddress() Node5->Node1 -m_sTGCCurrent Node6->Node5 Node7 std::vector< AGDDDetector Positioner * > Node7->Node6 #m_detectorPositions Node18 AGDDDetectorStore + AGDDDetectorStore() + GetDetector() + GetTechnology() + RegisterDetector() + RegisterTechnology() + PrintAllDetectors() + GetDetectorList() + GetDetectorList() + GetDetectorsByType() + GetDetectorByID() + GetDetectorsByType() + GetDetectorByID() Node18->Node5 #m_ds Node19->Node18 -m_the_technologies Node22 sTGCReadoutParameters + sPadWidth + lPadWidth + sStripWidth + lStripWidth + anglePadPhi + wireGroupWidth + nStrips + StripsInBandsLayer2 + StripsInBandsLayer3 Node22->Node5 +roParameters