SG::GenericElementLinkBase< INDEXING_POLICY > Node1 SG::GenericElementLinkBase < INDEXING_POLICY > + m_cacheValid - m_key - m_index + isDefaultIndex() + hasCachedElement() + isDefault() + index() + dataID() + key() + source() + proxy() + reset() + toTransient() + toPersistent() + thin() + thin() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() # GenericElementLinkBase() and 12 more... - requires() - requires() Node2 SG::DataProxyHolder + DataProxyHolder() + DataProxyHolder() + DataProxyHolder() + operator=() + clear() + toStorableObject() + toIdentifiedObject() + toIdentifiedObject() + isDefault() + dataID() and 11 more... + thin() + ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE() + resetCachedSource() - isObjpointer() - objpointer() - storeObjpointer() - proxy1() - source1() - tryRemap() Node2->Node1 -m_proxy Node3 SG::DataProxy + DataProxy() + DataProxy() + DataProxy() + DataProxy() + DataProxy() + DataProxy() + ~DataProxy() * handleList_t * mutex_t * lock_t * objMutex_t * objLock_t * SG::DataStore * m_refCount * m_resetFlag * m_boundHandles * m_origConst and 57 more... Node3->Node2 -m_proxy Node4 IRegistry Node4->Node3 Node32 CxxUtils::CachedValue < ElementType > - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + operator=() + operator=() + set() + set() + isValid() + ptr() + store() + store() + reset() Node32->Node1 -m_element Node12 std::atomic< CacheState > + ptr Node12->Node32 -m_cacheValid Node33 SG::ThinningCache - m_sgmap + empty() + thinning() + thinning() + addThinning() + trigNavigationThinningSvc() + setTrigNavigationThinningSvc() + lockOwned() + setVetoed() + setCompression() + thinningInfo() + clear() - merge() Node33->Node1 -thinningCache Node34 std::vector< std::unique _ptr< SG::ThinningDecisionBase > > Node34->Node33 -m_owned Node38 std::unordered_map < std::string, ThinningInfo > Node38->Node33 -m_map Node47 ITrigNavigationThinningSvc + DeclareInterfaceID() + doSlimming() Node47->Node33 -m_trigNavigationThinningSvc