ATLAS Offline Software
This package provides several standalone utilties which aid the interaction with the COOL conditions database. They are each constructed as standalone executable commands which get put into the offline software install/bin area. The executable DCSTxtToCool.exe allows DCS data stored in simple text files (output from the DCS PVSS internal archive using a utility provided by Jim Cook) to be input to COOL. AtlCoolCopy.exe is a flexible tool for copying data between COOL databases and verifying their contents. is an enhanced version of the PyCoolConsole tool that comes with COOL distribution, and provides an interactive 'file-system-like' shell for interacting with COOL databases.
All executables require the offline software environment to be set up - the easiest way to do this is to do a source of the CoolConvUtilities package, i.e. if you are running in release 12.0.1 (with version 2.0.1 of the AtlasConditions project), do:
source /afs/
If you are in another full offline software environment (e.g. RecExCommon), the environment should be setup for the utilities to work without problem.
The DCSTxtToCool command is used as follows:
DCSTxtToCool,exe <coolDBconnection> <configfile> <datafile> [<hours_offset>]
The COOL database connection is specified in the usual COOL-native format, e.g.
for a connection to the Oracle server ATLAS_COOLPROD using schema/user ATLAS_COOL_INDET and database name COMPROD, or:
for a connection to a COOL database named MYTEST in local SQLite file myfile2.db. This SQlite form is particularly useful for testing a database import to a local file, before importing the data to the Oracle production database. When using SQLite, it may be useful to set the environment variable POOL_OUTMSG_LEVEL=E to avoid excessive debug printout from the SQLiteAccess module.
The configuration file defines a mapping from DCS datapoint names to COOL folders and channel numbers, and consists of a series of lines, each containing a DCS datapoint name, a COOL folder, column name and COOL channel number. For example:
SCT_Envr_22:ELMB/Envr_CANbus/Envr_ELMB_1/AI/ELMB_Channel_0.value /SCT/DCS/TEST1 data1 0 SCT_Envr_22:ELMB/Envr_CANbus/Envr_ELMB_1/AI/ELMB_Channel_1.value /SCT/DCS/TEST1 data1 1 SCT_Envr_23:ELMB/Envr_CANbus/Envr_ELMB_1/AI/ELMB_Channel_2.value /SCT/DCS/TEST1 data1 2 SCT_Envr_22:ELMB/Envr_CANbus/Envr_ELMB_1/AR/ELMB_Channel_0.value /SCT/DCS/TEST2 mydata 0
This file maps several SCT datapoints to different COOL channels (0,1,2) in the folder /SCT/DCS/TEST1, and another datapoint to channel 0 in the folder /SCT/DCS/TEST2. The data point columns (assumed to be simple floats) are named data1 and mydata, respectively.
The data file contains the actual data to be imported, for example:
SCT_Envr_22:ELMB/Envr_CANbus/Envr_ELMB_1/AI/ELMB_Channel_0.value 2006.01.09 09:53:32.120 -92.263568045107 2006.01.09 09:54:11.290 -92.044749165233 2006.01.09 09:54:21.306 -92.263568045107 2006.01.09 09:55:01.398 -92.044749165233 2006.01.09 09:55:41.413 -92.263568045107 2006.01.09 09:56:31.490 -92.044749165233
SCT_Envr_22:ELMB/Envr_CANbus/Envr_ELMB_1/AI/ELMB_Channel_1.value 2006.01.09 09:53:32.120 -92.263568045107 2006.01.09 09:54:11.290 -92.044749165233 2006.01.09 09:54:21.306 -92.263568045107 2006.01.09 09:55:01.398 -92.044749165233 2006.01.09 09:55:41.413 -92.263568045107 2006.01.09 09:56:31.490 -92.044749165233
This files are produced from the PVSS local archive using a tool developed by Jim Cook, and consist of a datapoint name, followed by several lines giving date, time and datapoint value. The datapoint time is specified in UTC (universal time or GMT) and NOT local time. If the file actually gives local times (1 or 2 hours in advance of UTC in winter/summer), the hours_offset argument can be used to specify a value (in hours) to be added/subtracted to the timestamps before input to COOL. For example, an offset of -1 will correct local Genvea winter time to UTC. COOL assumes the timestamps are stored in UTC.
The utility creates COOL (single-version) folders as needed, but does not overwrite existing data if the folder already exists. It can be used to add some subsequent DCS data to a folder already containing earlier DCS data, providing all the new data has later timestamps than the old data. This is in accordance with the runs for updating COOL single-version folders.
Note that full up-to-date documentation for AtlCoolCopy is maintained at:
The AtlCoolCopy tool is used as follows:
AtlCoolCopy.exe <sourceCoolDB> <destinationCoolDB> { <options> }
where the source and destination databases are specified using the standard COOL syntax as detailed above. With this syntax, the whole COOL folder tree on the source database is copied (from '/'), providing the (empty) destination database already exists. Use the '-create' option to force creation of the destination database if it is not existing. COOL singleversion folders are copied in their entirity, whilst all defined tags of COOL multiversion folders are copied. The HEAD tag of multiversion folders is not copied, unless there are no other tags in the folder. Bulk copying operations are used with buffered transfers, so the command can be used to copy very large COOL databases (though this may take many minutes).
The command takes a number of optional parameters, which can be given multiple times (where appropriate). Parameters are case sensitive.
-a, -alliov : Set IOVs on destination to [ValidityKeyMin, ValidityKeyMax] or to the values specified by -nrls, -nrlu, -nts, -ntu -al, -appendlocked : Allow data insert to locked tags, providing IOVs do not overlap with existing ones (via tag explicit unlock/relock) -alsv, -appendlockedsv : Allow data insert to locked tags, providing IOVs are openended and increasing, like SV-mode folders) (via tag explicit unlock/relock) -ana, -analyse <delta_t> : Produce a ROOT file (filename given instead of destination DB) with histograms showing analysis of IOV structures -bs, -buffersize <size>: Set size of bulk-storage output buffer to <size> objects -c, -create : Create the database on the destination if it is not already existing -ch, channel <channel> : Restrict selection to given channel (numeric ID or name) -ch1, channel1 <channel> : Restrict selection to given channel range between -ch2, channel2 <channel> : channel1 and channel2 (inclusive) -chdesc, -channeldesc : Copy channel descriptions as well as names -cf, -checkfiles : Check POOL files by opening as well as references -cr, -checkrefs : Check POOL references -co, -checkoutput <file> : write POOL reference checking info to file -cti, -copytaginfo : Copy tag description -ctl, -copytaglock : Copy tag lock status and description -d, -debug : Produce debug output -ds, -dataset : When checking POOL references, output a file containing DQ2 registration commands for all the required files -e, -exclude <pattern> : Exclude folders matching the pattern from the copy. -f, -folder <pattern> : Include folders matching the pattern in the copy. -eh, -excludehead : Exclude HEAD tag when copying multiversion folders -ih, -includehead : Include HEAD tag when copying multiversion folders, even if there are explict tags in the folder -fp, -forcepayload : Force destination folders to be created with payload table -fs, -forcesingle : Force destination folder to be singleversion, even if original is multiversion Only makes sense if copying a single tag -fm, -forcemulti : Force destination folder to be multiversion, even if original is singleversion -frl, -forcerunlumi : Force destination folder to have metadata indicating indexing by run/lumiblock, even if source is by timestamp -ftm, -forcetime : Force destination folder to have metadata indicating indexing by timestamp, even if source is by run/lumiblock -forcerecreate : Force destination database to be deleted and recreated from scratch, removing all previous data in that COOL db -go, -getonline : Set minimum IOV (-rls) to next run to be started using online run number server -gt, -gettime : Extract timestamp interval information for run range given by -rs, -rl or -r (using COOLONL_TDAQ/COMP200 by default) -h, -help : Print help text and exit -ht, -headtag : Always copy the HEAD tag of multiversion folders -is, -ignorespec : Ignore folder specification mismatches where possible -lo, -lockedonly : Only copy locked or partially-locked top-level tags -nc, -nocopy : Don't actually copy, just read source DB -ncr -noclobroot : Dont' copy CLOB data into ROOT files -noc,-nocoracool : Don't copy CoraCool payload tables if present -nd, -nodata : Copy only folder structures, not data -nh, -nohitag : Do not follow hierarchical tag relations -mc, -mergecat <catfile>: Specify a POOL file catalogue to be used when making a new dataset -of, -outfolder <folder> : Rename input folder to <folder> on output. Only makes sense when coupled with single -folder option -onr, -onlinerun : get run number from ATONR rather than ATLR -ot, -outtag <tag> : Rename input tags to <outtag> on output. Only makes sense when coupled with a single -tag option. -pc, -poolcat <catfile> : Specify a POOL file catalogue to be used in checking POOL references -pf, -parfile <file> : Specify additional file containing parameters/options -pt, -prunetags : Only copy hierarchical tags referenced by specified toplevel tags -rdo, -readoracle : Force reading to go via oracle, using replcia resoultion via dbreplica.config -sl, -seal <val> : Set SEAL output level to <val> default 5=ERROR -t, -tag <tag> : Copy multiversion data with tag <tag> (default is all tags). -tl, -taglabel <info> : Set tag description to be copied into destinaton DB -tr, -truncate : If copied IOVs lie outside of rls/rlu range, truncate their edges so they lie inside -v, -verify : Instead of copying, verify that the specified data which would have been copied is already present on the destination database. -ro, -root : Output data to ROOT file instead of COOL database -zn, -zeronull : Set NULLs to zero in ROOT ntuple instead of skipping
-rls, -runlumisince <run> <lumiblock> : Set minimum of IOV interval to <run> <lumiblock> -rlu, -runlumiuntil <run> <lumiblock> : Set maximum of IOV interval to <run> <lumiblock> (exclusive, i.e. the maximum run/LB is NOT included in the interval) -rs, -runsince <run> : Set minimum of IOV interval to run <run> -ru, -rununtil <run> : Set maximum of IOV interval to run <run> (inclusive) -r, -run <run> : Copy only run <run> (sets both min and max). -rf, -runfile <file> : Read file giving list of runs which can be updated for UPD2 tags -srls, -skiprunlumisince <run> <lumiblock> : Set minimum of IOV interval used for skipping when copying (IOVs extending outside this interval will be skipped)
-srlu, -skiprunlumiuntil <run> <lumiblock> : Set maximum of IOV interval used for skipping when copying (IOVs extending outside this interval will be skipped)
-tdb, -timedb <conn> : Set database connection used for -gettime option Default is COOLONL_TDAQ/COMP200 -ts, -timesince <time> : Set minimum of time interval (SECONDS UTC since 1970) or date in form YYYY-MM-DD:hh:mm:ss (UTC time) -tu, -timeuntil <time> : Set maximum of time interval (SECONDS UTC since 1970) or date in form YYYY-MM-DD:hh:mm:ss (UTC time) -nrls, -newrunlumisince <run> <lumiblock> : Set minimum of output IOV interval to <run> <lumiblock> when used with -alliov option -nrlu, -newrunlumiuntil <run> <lumiblock> : Set maximum of output IOV interval to <run> <lumiblock> when used with -alliov option -nts, -newtimesince <time> : Set minimum of output IOV time interval (SECONDS UTC since 1970) when used with -alliov option or date in form YYYY-MM-DD:hh:mm:ss (UTC time) -ntu, -newtimeuntil <time> : Set maximum of output IOV time interval (SECONDS UTC since 1970) when used with -alliov option
-us, -updatesource : Open source DB in UPDATE mode to overcome CORAL bug in opening large SQLite files readonly
Note that:
Copy a source Oracle database to new destination SQlite file, excluding DCS data. Note that the standard CORAL authentication.xml file will be used for authentication, so the username/password are not given, and the SQLite database server name is dummy (so X is given).
AtlCoolCopy.exe "oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD;schema=ATLAS_COOL_LAR;dbname=OFLP130" \ "sqlite://X;schema=replica.db;dbname=OFLP130" -create -exclude DCS
Verify the above copy succeeded (note the exclusion must still be given, to avoid warnings about non-copied DCS data).
AtlCoolCopy.exe "oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD;schema=ATLAS_COOL_LAR;dbname=OFLP130" \ "sqlite://X;schema=replica.db;dbname=OFLP130" -verify -exclude DCS
Copy only the folders under '/LAR/Calib', for a particular run:
AtlCoolCopy.exe "oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD;schema=ATLAS_COOL_LAR;dbname=OFLP130" \ "sqlite://X;schema=replica.db;dbname=OFLP130" -create -folder '/LAR/Calib' -run 1234
List all the POOL files referenced by a particular database (note in this case the destination database name is ignored and can be anything, here 'X'):
AtlCoolCopy.exe "oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD;schema=ATLAS_COOL_INDET;dbname=OFLP130" \ X -nocopy -checkrefs
Copy some calibration data from a database filled from calibration analysis of real data (COMP130) to a destination Monte Carlo database (CMCP130), so it can be used in Monte Carlo digitisation to simulate realistic noise. The copy is done to a sqlite file calib.db, which can then be uploaded back to Oracle (it could also be done directly Oracle to Oracle, but this way allows verification first). The folder is indexed by timestamp on the source database, and the values valid for a particular time (1149776870 seconds after 1970) are extracted, and inserted into the Monte Carlo database with an IOV valid for all run/event numbers, and given a tag SCTCalibDataSR1_Noise_run2878. This tag can then be used in Monte Carlo processing to simulate events with the same noise as seen in real data. The same technique could be used for source folders indexed by run/event, omitting the -forcerunlumi and using -r run instead of -ts and -tu.
AtlCoolCopy.exe "oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD;schema=ATLAS_COOL_SCT;dbname=COMP130" \ "sqlite://X;schema=calib.db;dbname=CMCP130" \ -alliov -forcemulti -forcerunlumi -folder /SCT/CalibDataSR1/ISNoiseOccupancySummaryData \ -ts 1149776870 -tu 1149776871 -create -outtag SCTCalibDataSR1_Noise_run2878
Dump COOL DCS data in the COMP200 database on the logical connection COOL_SCT to a root file sctdcs.root, for all folders under /SCT/DCS, and timestamps between UTC times of midnight on 1st April 2007 to midnight on 8th April 2007.
AtlCoolCopy.exe "COOL_SCT/COMP200" sctdcs.root -root -folder /SCT/DCS -ts 2007-04-01:00:00:00 -ts 2007-04-08:00:00:00
AtlCoolCopy.exe produces the following error codes:
AtlCoolConsole is an extension to the python shell which allows simple inspection and modifying of data in a COOL database instance, with a unix-filesystem-like interface. It is particularly useful for examining COOL tags and managing hiearchical tag trees, and can also delete folders and foldersets (if connected using an account with the required privileges). AtlCoolConsole is an ATLAS-enhanced version of PyCoolConsole written by Sven Schmidt and part of the COOL 1.3 distribution.
To use AtlCoolConsole, just do: {<connection>}
where connection optionally specifies the conneciton to a COOL database with the usual COOL connection string (see below). For example, to connect to the production COOL INDET schema, taking advantage of the authentication.xml file which is included with the software release (hence avoiding the need t o specify a password explicitly), and then see the folders and tags available: "oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD;schema=ATLAS_COOL_INDET;dbname=OFLP130" >>> ls Indet Name Description /Indet/TrackingGeo Name Description Count Size /Indet/Align run-eventAlignableTransformContainer 68 272000 /Indet/Beampos run-eventAthenaAttributeList 1 36 Name Description Count Size >>> lstags Indet Listing tags for folderset/Indet Indet-DEFAULTCOND Indet-CSC-000-00 Indet-CSC-001-00
Type 'help' within AtlCoolConsole to see a list of available commands, including open, ls, cd, pwd, rm, less, lstags, usetag, usechan, pws, settag, rmtag, tracetags.
Note that it is also possible to connect via a logical database identifier, which will use the dblookup.xml and authentication.xml files to choose an appropriate database replica (e.g. it will use the local SQLite replicas if you are working with a kit installation away from CERN). The connection string in this case has the form 'COOL_LAR/OFLP130' to e.g. connect to the ATLAS_COOL_LAR schema on the OFLP130 database instance: COOL_LAR/OFLP130
Connected to 'COOL_LAR/OFLP130' Welcome to AtlCoolConsole. Type 'help' for instructions. >>> ls Name Description /LAR Name Description Count Size >>> ls /LAR Name Description /LAR/ElecCalibMC /LAR/HVBARREL /LAR/Identifier Name Description Count Size