VP1StdCollection Node1 VP1StdCollection + VP1StdCollection() + init() + ~VP1StdCollection() + visible() + isLoaded() + problemsLoading() + text() + collSwitch() + collSep() + material() and 7 more... + setVisible() + possibleChangeMatTranspOr Brightness() # provideWidgetsForGuiRow() # provideText() # checkBoxToolTip() # matButtonToolTip() # assignDefaultMaterial() # collMaterialTransparency AndBrightnessChanged() # load() # provideExtraWidgetsForGuiRow() # extraWidgetsState() # setExtraWidgetsState() # provideCollTypeID() # providePersistifiableID() - VP1StdCollection() - operator=() Node2 QObject Node2->Node1 Node6 IVP1System - s_vp1verbose + IVP1System() + ~IVP1System() + name() + information() + contact_info() + controllerWidget() + saveState() + restoreFromState() + message() + messageDebug() and 15 more... + verbose() # create() # refresh() # erase() # uncreate() # registerController() - IVP1System() - operator=() - disallowUpdateGUI() - allowUpdateGUI() - setChannel() - channel() - deleteController() - setState() - setActiveState() - isRefreshing() - setRefreshing() - setCanRegisterController() Node2->Node6 Node3 VP1Collection + VP1Collection() + ~VP1Collection() + persistifiableID() + section() + sectionToolTip() + persistifiableState() + setState() + widgetsForGuiRow() + getStates() + applyStates() + updateStates() + toBaseCollList() # provideWidgetsForGuiRow() # providePersistifiableID() # provideSection() # provideSectionToolTip() - VP1Collection() - operator=() Node3->Node1 Node4 VP1HelperClassBase - m_helpername - s_vp1verbose + ~VP1HelperClassBase() + setSystemBasePointer() + message() + messageDebug() + messageVerbose() + message() + messageDebug() + messageVerbose() + message() + messageDebug() + messageVerbose() + systemBase() + helperClassName() + verbose() + warnUndeletedInstances() # VP1HelperClassBase() # setHelperClassName() - VP1HelperClassBase() - operator=() Node4->Node3 Node15 VP1MaterialButtonBase + VP1MaterialButtonBase() + setMaterial() + copyValuesFromMaterial() + lastAppliedTransparency() + lastAppliedShininess() + lastAppliedBrightness() + saveState() + restoreFromState() + ~VP1MaterialButtonBase() Node4->Node15 Node5 VP1String + VP1String() + ~VP1String() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() and 20 more... Node5->Node4 Node5->Node6 Node6->Node4 -m_system Node13 VP1Collection::Imp + persistID + persistIDProvided + section + sectionToolTip + sectionProvided + sectionToolTipProvided + widgetsForGuiRow + widgetsForGuiRowProvided + Imp() Node13->Node3 -m_d Node14 VP1StdCollection::Imp + theswitch + collsep + checkBox + material + largechangescount_sep + largechangescount_switch + visible + loaded + problemsloading + textProvided and 6 more... + Imp() Node14->Node1 -m_d Node15->Node14 +matButton Node16 QPushButton Node16->Node15