AscObj_TruthPoint Node1 AscObj_TruthPoint + AscObj_TruthPoint() + AscObj_TruthPoint() + ~AscObj_TruthPoint() + buildShapes() + clicked() # regionIndex() # lodCrossOverValue() Node2 AssociatedObjectHandleBase - m_visible - m_pickStyle + AssociatedObjectHandleBase() + clicked() + parts() + nParts() + hasParameters() + hasParError() + hasError() + hasMaterialEffect() + hasSurface() + hasMeasurement() and 11 more... + numberOfInstances() # buildShapes() # regionIndex() # lodCrossOverValue() # ~AssociatedObjectHandleBase() - AssociatedObjectHandleBase() - operator=() - registerShapes() - unregisterShapes() - getAttachmentHandle() Node2->Node1 Node3 AssociatedObjectHandleBase::Imp + sep_simple + sep_detailed + nascobjs + Imp() + detach() + attach() + ensureShapesBuild() + ensureShapesErased() Node3->Node2 -m_d Node4 AssocObjAttachmentHandle + attachNodes() + setPickableStateOfNodes() + detachNodes() - AssocObjAttachmentHandle() - ~AssocObjAttachmentHandle() - AssocObjAttachmentHandle() - operator=() - trackMaterialChanged() - trackVisibilityChanged() Node4->Node3 +attachhandle Node5 AssocObjAttachmentHandle::Imp + trackmat + septrack_simple + septrack_detailed + pickStyleChildIdx + attached + pickStyle + dummymaterial + Imp() + ensureInit() + ensureAttached() + ensureDetached() Node5->Node4 -m_d Node12 TrackHandleBase - m_visible - m_currentmaterial + TrackHandleBase() + ~TrackHandleBase() + common() + setVisible() + visible() + collHandle() + touchedMuonChambers() + update3DObjects() + updateInDetProjections() + updateMuonProjections() and 40 more... + numberOfInstances() + unknown() # calculateCharge() # provide_pathInfoTrkTrack() # provide_pathInfoPoints() # extrapolationParticleHypothesis() # ensureTouchedMuonChambers Initialised() # registerTouchedMuonChamber() # visibleStateChanged() # currentMaterialChanged() # getAllAscObjHandles() # containsDetElement() # registerAssocObject() # ensureInitTSOSs() - TrackHandleBase() - operator=() - clearLine() - registerTrack() - updateShapes_TSOSWithMeasurements() - updateShapes_TSOSWithErrors() - updateShapes_TSOSWithMaterial Effects() - setShownTSOSParts() - setCustomColouredTSOSParts() - getAttachmentHandle() Node12->Node2 -m_trackHandle Node12->Node5 +trackhandle Node323 AscObj_TruthPoint::Imp + genVertex + genParticle + Imp() + Imp() Node323->Node1 -m_d Node324 SimHitHandleBase - m_pdgId - m_fakemom - m_charge + SimHitHandleBase() + ~SimHitHandleBase() + type() + momentumDirection() + actualMomentum() + momentum() + posStart() + posEnd() + hitTime() + particleLink() and 8 more... # actualPDGCodeFromSimHit() - SimHitHandleBase() - operator=() - setPDG() Node324->Node323 +simhit Node325 Trk::ParametersBase < DIM, T > # m_position # m_momentum + ~ParametersBase() + charge() + position() + momentum() + pT() + eta() + operator==() + hasSurface() + associatedSurface() + measurementFrame() and 6 more... # ParametersBase() # ParametersBase() # operator=() # ParametersBase() # operator=() # ParametersBase() # ParametersBase() # ParametersBase() # updateParametersHelper() Node325->Node324 -m_trackPars Node326 Trk::ParametersCommon < DIM, T > + dim # m_covariance + AmgVector() + AmgVector() + AmgSymMatrix() + AmgSymMatrix() + isCharged() + localPosition() + setParameters() + setCovariance() + updateParameters() + updateParameters() and 7 more... # ParametersCommon() # ParametersCommon() # operator=() # ParametersCommon() # operator=() # ParametersCommon() # ParametersCommon() # ParametersCommon() # updateParametersHelper() # AmgVector() Node326->Node325