Trk::DiscLayer Node1 Trk::DiscLayer + DiscLayer() + DiscLayer() + DiscLayer() + DiscLayer() + DiscLayer() + DiscLayer() + DiscLayer() + operator=() + ~DiscLayer() + surfaceRepresentation() and 7 more... - buildApproachDescriptor() - approachSurface() Node2 Trk::DiscSurface + staticType # m_bounds + DiscSurface() + DiscSurface() + operator=() + DiscSurface() + operator=() + ~DiscSurface() + DiscSurface() + DiscSurface() + DiscSurface() + DiscSurface() and 28 more... Node2->Node1 Node3 Trk::Surface # m_owner # s_onSurfaceTolerance + Surface() + ~Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + operator==() + operator!=() + clone() + uniqueClone() and 48 more... # Surface() # operator=() # Surface() # operator=() # inverseTransformHelper() # inverseTransformMultHelper() Node3->Node2 Node7 Trk::Layer # m_layerThickness # m_layerType # m_ref + Layer() + Layer() + Layer() + Layer() + ~Layer() + surfaceArray() + surfaceArray() + subSurface() + subSurface() + subSurfaceReference() and 39 more... # Layer() # operator=() Node7->Node1 Node7->Node3 #m_associatedLayer Node7->Node7 #m_previousLayer #m_nextLayer Node8 Trk::TrackingVolume - m_geometryType - m_colorCode - m_redoNavigation + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() + TrackingVolume() and 52 more... # cloneTV() - indexContainedStaticLayers() - indexContainedMaterialLayers() - createBoundarySurfaces() - createLayerAttemptsCalculator() - compactify() - synchronizeLayers() - interlinkLayers() - moveTV() - TrackingVolume() - operator=() - closest() Node8->Node7 #m_enclosingTrackingVolume Node8->Node8 -m_motherVolume Node34 std::unique_ptr< Trk ::BinnedArray > + operator->() Node34->Node7 #m_surfaceArray Node35 std::unique_ptr< Trk ::OverlapDescriptor > + operator->() Node35->Node7 #m_overlapDescriptor Node10 CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr T< Amg::Vector3D > + CachedUniquePtrT() + CachedUniquePtrT() + CachedUniquePtrT() + operator=() + ~CachedUniquePtrT() + set() + store() + get() + operator*() + operator->() + operator bool() + release() Node10->Node2 #m_referencePoint Node50 Trk::NoBounds + NoBounds() + NoBounds() + operator=() + NoBounds() + operator=() + ~NoBounds() + operator==() + type() + inside() + inside() and 7 more... Node50->Node2 #s_boundless Node52 std::unique_ptr< Trk ::IApproachDescriptor > + operator->() Node52->Node1 #m_approachDescriptor