ClusterSeg::ClusterAnalysis Node1 ClusterSeg::ClusterAnalysis - m_ncalls - m_writeOut - m_ang_cut - m_ang2_cut - m_dist_cut - m_h_phi - m_h_theta - m_h_angle - m_h_theta_t - m_h_theta12 and 31 more... + ClusterAnalysis() + ClusterAnalysis() + ~ClusterAnalysis() + analyse() + analyseWrite() - createTGCSeeds() - createRPCSeeds() - createSeedsAllLayers() - createSeedsTwoLayers() - createSpacePoints() Node2 std::unique_ptr< TH1F > + operator->() Node2->Node1 -m_h_XY233_t -m_h_phi_t -m_h_XY133_t -m_h_phi12 -m_h_angle_t -m_h_phi13 -m_h_angle12 -m_h_numseeds -m_h_XY232_t -m_h_XY232 ... Node3 TH1F + GetBinContent() + SetBinContent() + ~TH1F() Node3->Node2 +ptr Node4 std::unique_ptr< TH2F > + operator->() Node4->Node1 -m_h_miss_XY -m_h_miss_RZ -m_h_xy -m_h_corr -m_h_barcodes -m_h_rz Node5 TH2F + GetBinContent() + SetBinContent() Node5->Node4 +ptr Node6 TTree Node6->Node1 -m_tree Node7 ClusterSeg::ClusterNtuple + residualT + residual + nMDT + nMDTT + chi2T + chi2 + ntracksT + ntracks + nclusters + x and 7 more... + CLUSTERSIZE + initForWrite() + initForRead() + fill() + fill() + fill() + read() + reset() + init() + clean() Node7->Node1 -m_ntuple