RatesAnalysisAlg Node1 RatesAnalysisAlg - m_enhancedBiasRatesTool - m_tdt - m_expoScalingFactor - m_inelasticCrossSection - m_doUniqueRates - m_doGlobalGroups - m_doTriggerGroups - m_doExpressRates - m_useBunchCrossingData - m_currentEventIsUnbiased and 11 more... + RatesAnalysisAlg() + ~RatesAnalysisAlg() + ratesInitialize() + ratesExecute() + ratesFinalize() + newTrigger() + newTrigger() + newScanTrigger() + newScanTrigger() + addAllExisting() and 9 more... - initialize() - execute() - finalize() - populateTriggers() - executeTrigDecisionToolTriggers() - executeTriggerEmulation() - checkExistingTrigger() - checkGotTDT() - printInputSummary() - printStatistics() and 6 more... Node2 AthAnalysisAlgorithm - m_doneFirstEvent + AthAnalysisAlgorithm() + AthAnalysisAlgorithm() + ~AthAnalysisAlgorithm() + sysInitialize() + sysExecute() + retrieveMetadata() + retrieveMetadata() # updateEvtStore() # handle() # beginInputFile() # endInputFile() # metaDataStop() # firstExecute() # currentFile() * inputMetaStore() * inputMetaStore() * outputMetaStore() * outputMetaStore() Node2->Node1 Node24 ServiceHandle< TrigConf ::ITrigConfigSvc > Node24->Node1 -m_configSvc Node25 std::unordered_map < size_t, double > + keys + elements Node25->Node1 -m_lowestPrescale Node26 WeightingValuesSummary_t + m_enhancedBiasWeight + m_eventMu + m_eventLumi + m_isUnbiased + m_distanceInTrain + m_eventLiveTime + m_bunchFactor + m_muFactor + m_linearLumiFactor + m_expoMuFactor + m_noScaling + print() Node26->Node1 -m_weightingValues Node27 std::vector< std::vector < std::string > > Node27->Node1 -m_hltChainIDGroup -m_l1ItemID Node19 TTree Node19->Node1 -m_metadataTree Node29 TH1D + GetBinContent() + SetBinContent() Node29->Node1 -m_bcidHist -m_scalingHist Node30 std::unordered_map < std::string, std:: unique_ptr< RatesScanTrigger > > Node30->Node1 -m_scanTriggers Node42 std::unordered_map < std::string, std:: unique_ptr< RatesGroup > > Node42->Node1 -m_globalGroups -m_groups -m_uniqueGroups