ZDC_PileUpTool Node1 ZDC_PileUpTool - m_randomStreamName - m_HitCollectionName - m_outputContainerName - m_configuration - m_Pedestal - m_numTimeBins - m_freqMHz - m_zdct0 - m_rpdt0 - m_zdcRiseTime and 12 more... + ZDC_PileUpTool() + initialize() + initializePbPb2015() + initializeLHCf2022() + initializePbPb2023() + finalize() + prepareEvent() + processBunchXing() + mergeEvent() + processAllSubEvents() - fillContainer() - fillContainer() - doZDClightGuideCuts() - createAndStoreWaveform() - addEmptyWaveforms() - generateWaveform() - SetDumps() Node2 PileUpToolBase * m_firstXing * m_lastXing * m_vetoPileUpTruthLinks * m_filterPassed * PileUpToolBase() * initialize() * toProcess() * processAllSubEvents() * processBunchXing() * filterPassed() * resetFilter() * processAllSubEvents() Node2->Node1 Node4 std::unique_ptr< xAOD ::ZdcModuleAuxContainer_v2 > + operator->() Node4->Node1 -m_ZdcModuleAuxContainer Node28 ServiceHandle< IAthRNGSvc > Node28->Node1 -m_randomSvc Node29 ServiceHandle< PileUpMerge Svc > Node29->Node1 -m_mergeSvc Node30 std::unique_ptr< DataVector > + operator->() Node30->Node1 -m_ZdcModuleContainer Node33 ZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection + ZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection() Node33->Node1 -m_mergedFiberHitList Node35 SG::WriteHandleKey < DataVector > + WriteHandleKey() + WriteHandleKey() + operator=() Node35->Node1 -m_ZdcModuleContainerName -m_ZdcSumsContainerName Node68 SG::ReadHandleKey< ZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection > + ReadHandleKey() + ReadHandleKey() + operator=() # ReadHandleKey() # ReadHandleKey() Node68->Node1 -m_SimFiberHitCollectionKey Node69 ZdcID + ZdcID() + ~ZdcID() + module_hash() + channel_hash() + side() + module() + type() + channel() + module_hash_max() + channel_hash_max() + modules_begin() + modules_end() + channels_begin() + channels_end() + module_id() + channel_id() + module_id() + channel_id() * id_vec * id_vec_it * hash_vec * hash_vec_it * m_zdc_region_index * m_FORWARD_INDEX * m_ZDC_INDEX * m_SIDE_INDEX * m_MODULE_INDEX * m_TYPE_INDEX and 7 more... * module_hash() * channel_hash() * side() * module() * type() * channel() * module_hash_max() * channel_hash_max() * modules_begin() * modules_end() * channels_begin() * channels_end() * module_id() * channel_id() * module_id() * channel_id() Node69->Node1 -m_ZdcID