PRDCollHandle_MDT Node1 PRDCollHandle_MDT - m_highLightMasked - m_highLightADCBelow - m_projection + PRDCollHandle_MDT() + ~PRDCollHandle_MDT() + highLightMasked() + highLightADCBelow() + projection() + availableCollections() + setMinNHitsPerStation() + setAllowedADCValues() + setExcludeMaskedHits() + setStatus() + setHighLightByMask() + setHighLightByUpperADCBound() + setEnableProjections() + setAppropriateProjection() + setLimitToActiveChambers() + muonChambersTouchedByTracks Changed() # addPRD() # defaultDetailLevel() # cut() # eraseEventDataSpecific() # postLoadInitialisation() # setupSettingsFromController Specific() # lodArea() # defaultColor() Node226 PRDCollHandle_MDT::Imp + minHitsPerStation + excludeMaskedHits + onlyShowActive + status + projectionsEnabled + appropriateprojection + updateProjectionFlag() Node1->Node226 +theclass Node2 PRDCollHandleBase - m_nshownhandles - m_colourmethod - m_highlightweight + PRDCollHandleBase() + init() + ~PRDCollHandleBase() + setupSettingsFromController() + load() + common() + sephelperDetailedNodes() + sephelperSimpleNodes() + highLightMaterial() + highLightOutliers() and 12 more... + toString() + toString() + setGeneralPRDDetailLevel() + setColourMethod() + setDrawErrors() + setDrawRDOs() + setHighLightOutliers() + setHighLightWeight() + setAllowedEta() + setAllowedPhi() # setupSettingsFromController Specific() # addPRD() # defaultDetailLevel() # addHandle() # getPrdHandles() # getPrdHandles() # postLoadInitialisation() # cut() # eraseEventDataSpecific() # cleanupPtrContainer() and 14 more... - detailComboBoxItemChanged() - collVisibilityChanged() Node2->Node1 Node223 PRDCollHandleBase::Imp + storegate_key + detType + sep_lods + generalprddetaillevel + highlightmaterial + highlightoutliers + drawerrors + drawrdos + allowedPhi + comboBox_detailLevel + actualLoad() + updateDetailSepAttachments() + ensureLoaded() + etaPhiCut() Node2->Node223 +theclass Node3 VP1StdCollection + VP1StdCollection() + init() + ~VP1StdCollection() + visible() + isLoaded() + problemsLoading() + text() + collSwitch() + collSep() + material() and 7 more... + setVisible() + possibleChangeMatTranspOr Brightness() # provideWidgetsForGuiRow() # provideText() # checkBoxToolTip() # matButtonToolTip() # assignDefaultMaterial() # collMaterialTransparency AndBrightnessChanged() # load() # provideExtraWidgetsForGuiRow() # extraWidgetsState() # setExtraWidgetsState() # provideCollTypeID() # providePersistifiableID() - VP1StdCollection() - operator=() Node3->Node2 Node4 QObject Node4->Node3 Node5 VP1Collection + VP1Collection() + ~VP1Collection() + persistifiableID() + section() + sectionToolTip() + persistifiableState() + setState() + widgetsForGuiRow() + getStates() + applyStates() + updateStates() + toBaseCollList() # provideWidgetsForGuiRow() # providePersistifiableID() # provideSection() # provideSectionToolTip() - VP1Collection() - operator=() Node5->Node3 Node19 PRDSysCommonData + PRDSysCommonData() + ~PRDSysCommonData() + system() + nodeManager() + controller() + materialMixer() + muonChamberProjectionHelper() + indetProjHelper_Pixel() + indetProjHelper_SCT() + indetProjHelper_TRT() and 6 more... Node19->Node2 -m_common Node223->Node2 -m_d Node74 VP1Interval - m_lower - m_upper - m_openLower - m_openUpper - m_excludeInterval + VP1Interval() + VP1Interval() + ~VP1Interval() + setOpenLower() + setOpenUpper() + setOpen() + setLower() + setUpper() + setExcludeInterval() + set() and 21 more... + inf() - testSanity() Node74->Node223 +allowedEta Node74->Node226 +allowedADCValues Node226->Node1 -m_d Node227 std::map< const MuonGM ::MuonStation *, unsigned > + elements Node227->Node226 +mdt2stationcounter