VxCandidateCnv_p1 Node1 VxCandidateCnv_p1 + VxCandidateCnv_p1() + persToTrans() + transToPers() + initPrivateConverters() Node2 T_AthenaPoolTPCnvBase < Trk::VxCandidate, Trk ::VxCandidate_p1 > + TPConverterBase() + ~TPConverterBase() + virt_toPersistent() + virt_toPersistentWithKey() + pstoreToTrans() Node2->Node1 Node3 TPPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS > + TPPolyCnvBase() + ~TPPolyCnvBase() + createTransient() + createTransientWithKey() + virt_createTransFromPStore() + virt_createTransFromPStore WithKey() Node3->Node2 Node19 RecVertexCnv_p1 + RecVertexCnv_p1() + persToTrans() + transToPers() Node19->Node1 -m_recVertexConverter Node20 T_AthenaPoolTPPolyCnvBase < Trk::Vertex, Trk::RecVertex, Trk::RecVertex_p1 > + TPPolyCnvBase() + ~TPPolyCnvBase() + createTransient() + createTransientWithKey() + virt_createTransFromPStore() + virt_createTransFromPStore WithKey() Node20->Node19 Node23 ITPConverterFor< Trk ::FitQuality > # m_pStorageTIDvalue # m_wasUsedForReading + ITPConverterFor() + ~ITPConverterFor() + converterForType() + converterForRef() + baseToPersistent() + toPersistent() + fillTransFromPStore() + createTransFromPStore() + initPrivateConverters() + topConverter() and 15 more... Node23->Node19 -m_fitQualityConverter Node24 ITPConverterFor< Trk ::ErrorMatrix > # m_pStorageTIDvalue # m_wasUsedForReading + ITPConverterFor() + ~ITPConverterFor() + converterForType() + converterForRef() + baseToPersistent() + toPersistent() + fillTransFromPStore() + createTransFromPStore() + initPrivateConverters() + topConverter() and 15 more... Node24->Node19 -m_errorMatrixConverter Node25 ITPConverterFor< Trk ::Vertex > # m_pStorageTIDvalue # m_wasUsedForReading + ITPConverterFor() + ~ITPConverterFor() + converterForType() + converterForRef() + baseToPersistent() + toPersistent() + fillTransFromPStore() + createTransFromPStore() + initPrivateConverters() + topConverter() and 15 more... Node25->Node19 -m_vertexConverter Node26 TPPolyVectorCnv< std ::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex * >, std::vector< TPObjRef >, ITPConverterFor< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex > > + transToPers() Node26->Node1 -m_vxTrkAtVrtCnv Node27 TPPtrVectorCnv< std ::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex * >, std::vector< TPObjRef >, ITPConverterFor< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex > > + TPPtrVectorCnv() + persToTrans() + transToPers() Node27->Node26