LVL1BS::JemSubBlockV1 Node1 LVL1BS::JemSubBlockV1 - m_jeData - m_jetHits - m_energySubsums - m_channels - s_wordIdVal - s_wordLength - s_dataIdBit - s_jeWordId - s_dataIdMask - s_threshBit - s_sourceIdBit - s_jetIndicatorBit - s_jetIndicator - s_mainThreshId and 21 more... + JemSubBlockV1() + ~JemSubBlockV1() + clear() + setJemHeader() + fillJetElement() + setJetHits() + setEnergySubsums() + jetElement() + jetHits() + ex() + ey() + et() + timeslices() + pack() + unpack() - sourceId() - dataId() - index() - resize() - packNeutral() - packUncompressed() - unpackNeutral() - unpackUncompressed() Node2 LVL1BS::L1CaloSubBlock - m_header - m_trailer - m_bunchCrossing - m_unpackError - m_bitword - m_currentBit - m_maxBits - m_maxMask - m_unpackerFlag - m_dataPos and 6 more... - s_headerBit - s_statusBit - s_headerMask - s_statusMask - s_headerVal - s_statusVal - s_ppmCrates - s_wordIdBit - s_versionBit - s_formatBit and 28 more... + L1CaloSubBlock() + ~L1CaloSubBlock() + clear() + dataWords() + setHeader() + wordId() + version() + format() + seqno() + slice() and 37 more... + wordType() + wordId() + version() + format() + seqno() + module() Node2->Node1