ATLAS Offline Software
IAthenaIPCTool Member List

This is the complete list of members for IAthenaIPCTool, including all inherited members.

ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE(long eventNumber, const void *source, size_t nbytes, unsigned int status) const =0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
clearObject(const char **tokenString, int &num)=0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
getLockedEvent(void **target, unsigned int &status) const =0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
getObject(void **target, size_t &nbytes, int num=0)=0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
isClient() const =0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
isServer() const =0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
lockEvent(long eventNumber) const =0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
lockObject(const char *tokenString, int num=0)=0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
makeClient(int num, std::string &streamPortSuffix)=0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
makeServer(int num, const std::string &streamPortSuffix)=0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual
putObject(const void *source, size_t nbytes, int num=0)=0IAthenaIPCToolpure virtual