2 Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 // Inline file for class ScintillatorHit
9 // Author Thomas Kittelmann <kittel@nbi.dk>
10 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 inline int ScintillatorHit::GetVolNumber() const
13 { return m_volNumber; }
15 inline int ScintillatorHit::GetParticleEncoding() const
16 { return m_particleEncoding; }
18 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetKineticEnergy() const
19 { return m_kineticEnergy; }
21 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetEnergyDeposit() const
22 { return m_energyDeposit; }
24 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetPreStepX() const
25 { return m_preStepX; }
27 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetPreStepY() const
28 { return m_preStepY; }
30 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetPreStepZ() const
31 { return m_preStepZ; }
33 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetPostStepX() const
34 { return m_postStepX; }
36 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetPostStepY() const
37 { return m_postStepY; }
39 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetPostStepZ() const
40 { return m_postStepZ; }
42 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetGlobalPreStepX() const
43 { return m_globalPreStepX; }
45 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetGlobalPreStepY() const
46 { return m_globalPreStepY; }
48 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetGlobalPreStepZ() const
49 { return m_globalPreStepZ; }
51 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetGlobalPostStepX() const
52 { return m_globalPostStepX; }
54 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetGlobalPostStepY() const
55 { return m_globalPostStepY; }
57 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetGlobalPostStepZ() const
58 { return m_globalPostStepZ; }
60 inline float ScintillatorHit::GetGlobalTime() const
61 { return m_globalTime; }
63 inline const HepMcParticleLink& ScintillatorHit::particleLink() const
64 { return m_partLink; }