Rec::ParticleCaloAssociation< T > Node1 Rec::ParticleCaloAssociation< T > - m_data - m_associationConeSize + ParticleCaloAssociation() + ~ParticleCaloAssociation() + caloExtension() + data() + associationConeSize() + ParticleCaloAssociation() + operator=() + updateData() - ParticleCaloAssociation() - ParticleCaloAssociation() - operator=() Node2 Trk::CaloExtension + CaloExtension() + ~CaloExtension() + caloEntryLayerIntersection() + muonEntryLayerIntersection() + caloLayerIntersections() - operator=() - CaloExtension() - CaloExtension() Node2->Node1 -m_caloExtension Node3 std::vector< Trk::Curvilinear ParametersT > Node3->Node2 -m_caloLayerIntersections Node4 Trk::CurvilinearParameters T< DIM, T, S > # m_surface # m_cIdentifier + CurvilinearParametersT() + CurvilinearParametersT() + CurvilinearParametersT() + CurvilinearParametersT() + CurvilinearParametersT() + CurvilinearParametersT() + operator=() + operator=() + ~CurvilinearParametersT() + cIdentifier() and 10 more... - updateParametersHelper() - curvilinearFrame() Node4->Node3 +elements Node5 Trk::ParametersBase < DIM, T > # m_position # m_momentum + ~ParametersBase() + charge() + position() + momentum() + pT() + eta() + operator==() + hasSurface() + associatedSurface() + measurementFrame() and 6 more... # ParametersBase() # ParametersBase() # operator=() # ParametersBase() # operator=() # ParametersBase() # ParametersBase() # ParametersBase() # updateParametersHelper() Node5->Node2 -m_caloEntryLayerIntersection -m_muonEntryLayerIntersection Node5->Node4 Node6 Trk::ParametersCommon < DIM, T > + dim # m_covariance + AmgVector() + AmgVector() + AmgSymMatrix() + AmgSymMatrix() + isCharged() + localPosition() + setParameters() + setCovariance() + updateParameters() + updateParameters() and 7 more... # ParametersCommon() # ParametersCommon() # operator=() # ParametersCommon() # operator=() # ParametersCommon() # ParametersCommon() # ParametersCommon() # updateParametersHelper() # AmgVector() Node6->Node5