jet::VertexIndexedConstituentUserInfo Node1 jet::VertexIndexedConstituent UserInfo + VertexIndexedConstituent UserInfo() + VertexIndexedConstituent UserInfo() + vertex() Node2 UserInfoBase Node2->Node1 Node3 xAOD::Vertex_v1 + Vertex_v1() + Vertex_v1() + operator=() + type() + x() + setX() + y() + setY() + z() + setZ() and 18 more... * TrackParticleLinks_t * NeutralParticleLinks_t * trackParticleLinks() * setTrackParticleLinks() * trackWeights() * setTrackWeights() * neutralParticleLinks() * setNeutralParticleLinks() * neutralWeights() * setNeutralWeights() and 10 more... * chiSquared() * numberDoF() * setFitQuality() Node3->Node1 #m_vertex Node4 SG::AuxElement + supportsThinning + AuxElement() + AuxElement() + AuxElement() + operator=() + ~AuxElement() + container() + container() + auxdata() + auxdata() + auxdata() and 28 more... - releasePrivateStoreForDtor() - setIndex() - setIndexPrivate() - makePrivateStore1() - makePrivateStore1() - setStore1() - clearAux() - copyAux() Node4->Node3 Node5 SG::ConstAuxElement + ConstAuxElement() + ConstAuxElement() + ConstAuxElement() + operator=() + ~ConstAuxElement() + container() + auxdata() + auxdata() + auxdataConst() + auxdataConst() and 6 more... - releasePrivateStoreForDtor() - setIndex() - setIndexPrivate() Node5->Node4 Node6 SG::IAuxElement - m_index - m_privateStoreState + IAuxElement() + IAuxElement() + index() # noPrivateData() # havePrivateData() # hadPrivateData() - setIndex() - setNoPrivateData() - setHavePrivateData() - setHadPrivateData() Node6->Node5 Node7 SG::AuxVectorData + AuxVectorData() + AuxVectorData() + operator=() + ~AuxVectorData() + size_v() + capacity_v() * mutex_t * guard_t * Cache * SG::AuxElement * swap() * clearCache() * clearCache() * clearDecorCache() * lock() * clearDecorations() and 13 more... * getAuxIDs() * getDecorIDs() * getWritableAuxIDs() * isAvailable() * isAvailableWritable() * isAvailableWritableAsDecoration() * getData() * getData() * getDecoration() * getDataArray() * getDataArrayAllowMissing() * getDecorationArray() * getDataArray() * getDataSpan() * getConstStore() * getConstStoreLink() * getStore() * getStore() * hasStore() * hasNonConstStore() * setOption() * setOption() * setOption() * setOption() and 8 more... Node7->Node5 -m_container Node53 CxxUtils::CachedValue < Amg::Vector3D > - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + operator=() + operator=() + set() + set() + isValid() + ptr() + store() + store() + reset() Node53->Node3 -m_position Node31 std::atomic< CacheState > + ptr Node31->Node53 -m_cacheValid Node54 CxxUtils::CachedValue < AmgSymMatrix(3)> - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + operator=() + operator=() + set() + set() + isValid() + ptr() + store() + store() + reset() Node31->Node54 -m_cacheValid Node54->Node3 -m_covariance