Analysis_Resolution Node1 Analysis_Resolution - m_h_res_d0VsPt - m_h_res_d0VsPixelHits _withoutBLayer - m_pTCut - m_etaCut - m_d0Cut - m_z0Cut + Analysis_Resolution() + initialise() + execute() + finalise() + execute() + execute() + execute() + execute() + execute() - phi() Node2 TrackAnalysis # m_xBeamReference # m_yBeamReference # m_zBeamReference # m_xBeamTest # m_yBeamTest # m_zBeamTest + TrackAnalysis() + ~TrackAnalysis() + TrackAnalysis() + operator=() + name() + initialise() + execute() + execute() + execute() + execute() and 22 more... Node2->Node1 Node3 TIDARoiDescriptor # m_fullscan # m_l1Id # m_roiId # m_roiWord # m_cached # m_dphi # m_zedPlusR # m_zedMinusR # m_rPlusZed # m_rMinusZed # m_tanthetaPlus # m_tanthetaMinus # maxRadius # maxZed + TIDARoiDescriptor() + TIDARoiDescriptor() + TIDARoiDescriptor() + TIDARoiDescriptor() + TIDARoiDescriptor() + operator=() + ~TIDARoiDescriptor() + set_roiId() + set_l1Id() + set_roiWord() and 32 more... + exitpoint() # params() # reset() # phicheck() # etacheck() # zedcheck() Node3->Node2 #m_roi Node4 TObject Node4->Node3 Node9 TIDA::Event - m_run_number - m_lumi_block - m_time_stamp - m_bunch_crossing_id - m_mu + Event() + ~Event() + run_number() + event_number() + lumi_block() + time_stamp() + bunch_crossing_id() + mu() + run_number() + event_number() and 20 more... Node4->Node9 Node7 std::string Node7->Node2 #m_name Node28 std::map< std::string, TH1 * > Node7->Node28 +keys Node9->Node2 #m_event Node24 TIDA::FeatureStore + FeatureStore() + ~FeatureStore() + insert() + find() - _insert() - _find() Node24->Node2 #m_store Node28->Node2 #m_histos Node29 TH1 + Fill() + Fill() + Fill() + GetBinContent() + GetBinContent() + GetBinContent() + SetBinContent() + SetBinContent() + SetBinContent() + SetBinError() + SetBinError() + SetBinError() + Sumw2() Node29->Node1 -m_h_res_phi -m_h_pull_eta -m_h_res_eta -m_h_res_invpT -m_h_res_z0 -m_h_pull_phi -m_h_pull_d0 -m_h_pull_invpT -m_h_pull_z0 -m_h_res_d0 ... Node29->Node28 +elements Node30 TH2 + Fill() + Fill() + Fill() + Fill() + Fill() Node30->Node1 -m_h_res_z0VsEta -m_h_pull_d0VsEta -m_h_pull_d0VsPixelHits _withoutBLayer -m_h_pull_d0VsPixelHits _withBLayer -m_h_res_z0VsPt -m_h_res_d0VsPixelHits _withBLayer -m_h_res_d0VsD0 -m_h_pull_z0VsPixelHits _withoutBLayer -m_h_pull_z0VsEta -m_h_pull_z0VsPixelHits _withBLayer ...