BTaggingTruthTaggingTool Node1 BTaggingTruthTaggingTool - m_initialised - m_SFFile - m_SFTName - m_SFLightName - m_EVReductionB - m_EVReductionC - m_EffTName - m_EffLightName - m_excludeFromEV - m_taggerName and 21 more... + BTaggingTruthTaggingTool() + CalculateResults() + CalculateResults() + CalculateResultsONNX() + CalculateResultsONNX() + setEffMapIndex() + setUseSystematics() + ~BTaggingTruthTaggingTool() + initialize() + affectingSystematics() + applySystematicVariation() + recommendedSystematics() + isAffectedBySystematic() - CalculateResults() - setJets() - setJets() - setJets() - setJets() - setJets() - setJets() - GetTruthTagWeights() - getTagPermutation() - getQuantiles() and 23 more... Node2 asg::AsgTool + AsgTool() + ~AsgTool() + AsgTool() + operator=() + initialize() + print() * getProperty() * msg_level_name() * getName() * getKey() Node2->Node1 Node12 IBTaggingTruthTaggingTool + setEffMapIndex() + CalculateResults() + CalculateResults() + CalculateResultsONNX() + CalculateResultsONNX() Node12->Node1 Node15 std::vector< CP::Systematic Set > Node15->Node1 -m_eff_syst Node24 TFile Node24->Node1 -m_inf Node25 std::vector< BTaggingTruth TaggingTool::TagBin > Node25->Node1 -m_cuts Node27 asg::AnaToolHandle < IBTaggingSelectionTool > - m_parentPtr - m_mode - m_allowEmpty + testInvariant() + AnaToolHandle() + AnaToolHandle() + AnaToolHandle() + ~AnaToolHandle() + operator=() + operator=() + swap() + empty() + isPublic() and 29 more... + setProperty() + setProperty() + setProperty() + setProperty() - getMode() - getMode() - makeToolRetrieve() * setProperty() * setProperty() * setProperty() * setProperty() Node27->Node1 -m_selTool Node19 std::string Node19->Node1 -m_EffFile -m_EffBName -m_EVReductionLight -m_EffCName -m_taggingStrategy -m_excludeEV -m_SFCName -m_systStrategy -m_SFBName -m_cutBenchmark ... Node19->Node27 -m_originalTypeAndName -m_name Node41 std::vector< int > + elements Node41->Node1 -m_OperatingBins Node42 std::map< int, asg ::AnaToolHandle< IBTagging EfficiencyTool > > + keys Node42->Node1 -m_effTool_allBins