ATLAS Offline Software
IHITowerWeightTool Member List

This is the complete list of members for IHITowerWeightTool, including all inherited members.

DeclareInterfaceID(IHITowerWeightTool, 1, 0)IHITowerWeightTool
getEtaPhiOffset(float eta, float phi, int runIndex) const =0IHITowerWeightToolpure virtual
getEtaPhiResponse(float eta, float phi, int runIndex) const =0IHITowerWeightToolpure virtual
getRunIndex(const EventContext &ctx) const =0IHITowerWeightToolpure virtual
getWeight(float eta, float phi, int sampling) const =0IHITowerWeightToolpure virtual
getWeightEta(float eta, float phi, int sampling) const =0IHITowerWeightToolpure virtual
getWeightMag(float eta, float phi, int sampling) const =0IHITowerWeightToolpure virtual
getWeightPhi(float eta, float phi, int sampling) const =0IHITowerWeightToolpure virtual