ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for Muon::MuonTree, including all inherited members.
Book1D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBins, float start, float end, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book1D(const std::string &name, TH1 *refHist, const std::string &labels, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book2D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float startX, float endX, int nBinsY, float startY, float endY, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book2D(const std::string &name, TH2 *refHist, const std::string &labels, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book2D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, Double_t *binsX, int nBinsY, Double_t startY, Double_t endY, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book3D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float startX, float endX, int nBinsY, float startY, float endY, int nBinsZ, float startZ, float endZ, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book3D(const std::string &name, TH3 *refHist, const std::string &labels, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTEfficiency(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, const int nBinsX, const float xlo, const float xhi, const bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTEfficiency(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, const int nBinsX, const float xlo, const float xhi, const int nBinsy, const float ylo, const float yhi, const bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfile(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float startX, float endX, float startY=-1, float endY=-1, bool prependDir=true, bool useRMS=false) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfile(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float *binsX, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfile2D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, const int nBinsX, const double xlo, const double xhi, const int nBinsY, const double ylo, const double yhi, bool prependDir=true, bool useRMS=false) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfile2D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, const int nBinsX, double *binsX, const int nBinsY, double *binsY, bool prependDir=true, bool useRMS=false) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfileRangeY(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, double *binsX, double startY, double endY, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTree(const std::string &name, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
constructPrefix(std::string dir, bool prependDir) | PlotBase | privatestatic |
fillEventBranches(const xAOD::EventInfo *eventInfo, bool isData) | Muon::MuonTree | |
fillRecoMuonBranches(const xAOD::Muon &mu) | Muon::MuonTree | |
fillTruthMuonBranches(const xAOD::TruthParticle &truthMu, bool isGoodTruthTrack) | Muon::MuonTree | |
fillTruthMuonBranches(const xAOD::TruthParticle &truthMu, const xAOD::Muon &mu, const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer *MSTracks, bool isGoodTruthTrack) | Muon::MuonTree | |
finalize() | PlotBase | |
finalizePlots() | PlotBase | inlineprivatevirtual |
getDirectory() | PlotBase | inline |
getTree() | Muon::MuonTree | |
initialize() | PlotBase | |
initializePlots() | Muon::MuonTree | virtual |
m_allAuthors | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_CaloLRLikelihood | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_CaloMuonIDTag | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_e | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_EnergyLoss | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_eta | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_eventNumber | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_iDetailLevel | PlotBase | protected |
m_innerLargeHits | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_innerLargeHoles | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_innerSmallHits | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_innerSmallHoles | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_isMC | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_iso_etcone20 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_iso_neflowisol20 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_iso_ptcone20 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_iso_ptvarcon20 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_iso_topoetcon20 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_lumiBlock | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_mcBeamSpotWeight | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_mcChannelNumber | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_msInnerMatchChi2 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_msInnerMatchDOF | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_msOuterMatchChi2 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_msOuterMatchDOF | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_muonType | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_chamberIndex | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_nPhiLayers | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_nPrecisionHits | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_nTrigEtaLayers | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_sector | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_technology | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_x | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_y | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_museg_z | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_nMuonSegments | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_phi | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_pt | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_Quality | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_rapidity | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_runNumber | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_sDirectory | PlotBase | protected |
m_th_CaloEntry_p | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_eta | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_isGoodTruthTrack | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_MuonEntry_p | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_MuonExit_p | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_nphiLayers | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_nprecLayers | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_ntrigEtaLayers | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_phi | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_pt | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_truthOrigin | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_th_truthType | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_tree | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_trkp_chiSquared | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_trkp_d0 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_trkp_numberDoF | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_trkp_qOverP | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_trkp_z0 | Muon::MuonTree | private |
m_vBookedEfficiencies | PlotBase | protected |
m_vBookedHistograms | PlotBase | protected |
m_vBookedTrees | PlotBase | protected |
m_vSubNodes | PlotBase | protected |
MuonTree(PlotBase *pParent, const std::string &sDir, bool mcFlag) | Muon::MuonTree | |
MuonTree(PlotBase *pParent, const std::string &sDir) | Muon::MuonTree | |
PlotBase(PlotBase *parent, const std::string &sDir) | PlotBase | |
postFillTreeActions() | Muon::MuonTree | |
RegisterSubPlot(PlotBase *pPlotBase) | PlotBase | inline |
retrieveBookedEfficiencies() | PlotBase | |
retrieveBookedHistograms() | PlotBase | |
retrieveBookedTrees() | PlotBase | |
setDetailLevel(int iDetailLevel) | PlotBase | |
~MuonTree() | Muon::MuonTree | |
~PlotBase() | PlotBase | inlinevirtual |