SG::detail::ELSpanProxy< CONT, PLINK_ALLOC > Node1 SG::detail::ELSpanProxy < CONT, PLINK_ALLOC > + ELSpanProxy() + operator=() + operator std::vector < Link_t, VALLOC >() + asVector() + operator==() + push_back() + clear() + resize() + erase() + erase() and 9 more... Node2 ELSpanProxyBase< CONT, PLINK_ALLOC > + at() + at() Node2->Node1 Node3 RANGE Node3->Node2 Node4 SG::detail::ELProxyConverter < CONT > + ELProxyConverter() + ELProxyConverter() + operator()() Node4->Node1 -m_cnv Node5 SG::detail::PackedLinkConverter < PROXY::Cont_t > - m_linkedVec - m_dlinks + PackedLinkConverter() + operator()() + set() + set() + insert() Node5->Node4 Node6 SG::AuxVectorData + AuxVectorData() + AuxVectorData() + operator=() + ~AuxVectorData() + size_v() + capacity_v() * getConstStore() * getConstStoreLink() * getStore() * getStore() * hasStore() * hasNonConstStore() * setOption() * setOption() * setOption() * setOption() and 8 more... * getAuxIDs() * getDecorIDs() * getWritableAuxIDs() * isAvailable() * isAvailableWritable() * isAvailableWritableAsDecoration() * getData() * getData() * getDecoration() * getDataArray() * getDataArrayAllowMissing() * getDecorationArray() * getDataArray() * getDataSpan() * mutex_t * guard_t * Cache * SG::AuxElement * swap() * clearCache() * clearCache() * clearDecorCache() * lock() * clearDecorations() and 13 more... Node6->Node5 -m_container Node7 ILockable + ~ILockable() + lock() Node7->Node6 Node8 SG::auxid_set_t + auxid_set_t() Node8->Node6 -s_emptySet Node52 std::vector< T > Node52->Node1 -m_velt Node53 T Node53->Node52 +elements