ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for TileROD_Decoder, including all inherited members.
ALL_00 enum value | TileROD_Decoder | |
ALL_FF enum value | TileROD_Decoder | |
ALL_OK enum value | TileROD_Decoder | |
AthAlgTool(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent) | AthAlgTool | |
AthAlgTool() | AthAlgTool | private |
AthAlgTool(const AthAlgTool &) | AthAlgTool | private |
AthCommonDataStore(const std::string &name, T... args) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE | TileROD_Decoder | mutableprivate |
ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE | TileROD_Decoder | mutableprivate |
checkBit(const uint32_t *p, int chan) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
convert(const RawEvent *re, TileL2Container *L2Cnt) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
convertLaser(const RawEvent *re, TileLaserObject *TileLaserObj) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
convertTMDBDecision(const RawEvent *re, TileMuonReceiverContainer *tileMuRcv) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
copy_vec(std::vector< ELEMENT * > &v, COLLECTION &coll) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
CRC_ERR enum value | TileROD_Decoder | |
data_size(const ROBData *rob, uint32_t &error) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
declareGaudiProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inlineprivate |
declareGaudiProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inlineprivate |
declareGaudiProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleType &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inlineprivate |
declareGaudiProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &t, const SG::NotHandleType &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inlineprivate |
declareProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &t) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
declareProperty(const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKey &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
declareProperty(const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleBase &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleType &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
declareProperty(const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKeyArray &hndArr, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
declareProperty(const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc, const SG::NotHandleType &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
declareProperty(const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none") | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
delete_vec(std::vector< ELEMENT * > &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
detStore() const | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
DigitsMetaData_t typedef | TileROD_Decoder | private |
evtStore() | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
evtStore() const | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
extraDeps_update_handler(Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &ExtraDeps) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | protected |
fillCollection(const ROBData *rob, COLLECTION &v, typename TileROD_Helper::ContainerForCollection< COLLECTION >::type *container=nullptr) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
fillCollection_FELIX_Digi(const ROBData *rob, TileDigitsCollection &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
fillCollection_TileMuRcv_Digi(const ROBData *rob, TileDigitsCollection &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
fillCollection_TileMuRcv_RawChannel(const ROBData *rob, TileRawChannelCollection &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
fillCollectionHLT(const ROBData *rob, TileCellCollection &v, D0CellsHLT &d0cells, TileCellCollection *MBTS, const TileHid2RESrcID *hid2reHLT) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
fillCollectionL2(const ROBData *rob, TileL2Container &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
fillCollectionL2ROS(const ROBData *rob, TileL2Container &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
fillContainer_TileMuRcv_Decision(const ROBData *rob, TileMuonReceiverContainer &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
fillTileLaserObj(const ROBData *rob, TileLaserObject &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
finalize() | TileROD_Decoder | virtual |
FRwChVec typedef | TileROD_Decoder | private |
get_correct_data(const uint32_t *p) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
get_data(const ROBData *rob) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
getErrorCounter() | TileROD_Decoder | |
getHid2re() | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
getHid2reHLT() | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
getOFW(int fragId, int unit) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
getTileHWID() const | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
getWarningCounter() | TileROD_Decoder | |
hashFunc() const | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
initHid2re() | TileROD_Decoder | private |
initHid2reHLT() | TileROD_Decoder | private |
initialize() | TileROD_Decoder | virtual |
inputHandles() const override | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | virtual |
interfaceID() | TileROD_Decoder | static |
loadMBTS(std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > &mapMBTS, int MBTS_channel) | TileROD_Decoder | |
loadRw2Cell(const int section, const std::vector< int > &vec) | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
loadRw2Pmt(const int section, const std::vector< int > &vec) | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
m_allowedTimeMax | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_allowedTimeMin | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_ampMinThresh | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_ampMinThresh_MeV | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_ampMinThresh_pC | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_cablingSvc | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_calibrateEnergy | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_checkMaskedDrawers | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_d2Bytes | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_demoChanEB | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_demoChanLB | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_demoFragIDs | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_detStore | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | private |
m_ErrorCounter | TileROD_Decoder | mutableprivate |
m_evtStore | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | private |
m_fullTileRODs | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_hashFunc | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_hid2re | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_hid2reHLT | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_hid2RESrcIDKey | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_HidMutex | TileROD_Decoder | mutableprivate |
m_ignoreFrag4HLT | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_L2Builder | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_list_of_masked_drawers | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_mapMBTS | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_maskBadDigits | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_maxChannels | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_maxErrorPrint | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_maxWarningPrint | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_MBTS_channel | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_of2Default | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_OFWeightMutex | TileROD_Decoder | mutableprivate |
m_rc2bytes | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_rc2bytes2 | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_rc2bytes4 | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_rc2bytes5 | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_runPeriod | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_Rw2Cell | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_Rw2Pmt | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_suppressDummyFragments | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_tileBadChanTool | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_tileCondToolOfcCool | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_tileHWID | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_tileToolEmscale | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_tileToolTiming | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_timeMaxThresh | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_timeMinThresh | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_useFrag0 | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_useFrag1 | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_useFrag4 | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_useFrag5Raw | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_useFrag5Reco | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_varHandleArraysDeclared | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | private |
m_verbose | TileROD_Decoder | private |
m_vhka | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | private |
m_WarningCounter | TileROD_Decoder | mutableprivate |
make_copy(uint32_t bsflags, TileFragHash::TYPE rChType, TileRawChannelUnit::UNIT rChUnit, DigitsMetaData_t &digitsMetaData, RawChannelMetaData_t &rawchannelMetaData, const ROBData *rob, pDigiVec &pDigits, pRwChVec &pChannel, TileBeamElemCollection &v, TileBeamElemContainer *container) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
make_copy(uint32_t bsflags, TileFragHash::TYPE rChType, TileRawChannelUnit::UNIT rChUnit, DigitsMetaData_t &digitsMetaData, RawChannelMetaData_t &rawchannelMetaData, const ROBData *rob, pDigiVec &pDigits, pRwChVec &pChannel, TileDigitsCollection &v, TileDigitsContainer *container) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
make_copy(uint32_t bsflags, TileFragHash::TYPE rChType, TileRawChannelUnit::UNIT rChUnit, DigitsMetaData_t &digitsMetaData, RawChannelMetaData_t &rawchannelMetaData, const ROBData *rob, pDigiVec &pDigits, pRwChVec &pChannel, TileRawChannelCollection &v, TileRawChannelContainer *container) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
make_copy(const ROBData *rob, pBeamVec &pBeam, TileBeamElemCollection &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
make_copy(const ROBData *rob, pBeamVec &pBeam, TileDigitsCollection &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
make_copy(const ROBData *rob, pBeamVec &pBeam, TileRawChannelCollection &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
make_copy(const ROBData *rob, pBeamVec &pBeam, TileCellCollection &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | inlineprivate |
make_copyHLT(bool of2, TileRawChannelUnit::UNIT rChUnit, bool correctAmplitude, const FRwChVec &pChannel, TileCellCollection &v, const uint16_t DQuality, D0CellsHLT &d0cells, TileCellCollection *MBTS) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
mergeD0cellsHLT(const D0CellsHLT &d0cells, TileCellCollection &) const | TileROD_Decoder | |
msg() const | AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > | inline |
msg(const MSG::Level lvl) const | AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > | inline |
msgLvl(const MSG::Level lvl) const | AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > | inline |
NO_FRAG enum value | TileROD_Decoder | |
NO_ROB enum value | TileROD_Decoder | |
operator=(const AthAlgTool &) | AthAlgTool | private |
outputHandles() const override | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | virtual |
pBeamVec typedef | TileROD_Decoder | private |
pCellVec typedef | TileROD_Decoder | private |
pDigiVec typedef | TileROD_Decoder | private |
printErrorCounter(bool printIfNoError) | TileROD_Decoder | |
printWarningCounter(bool printIfNoWarning) | TileROD_Decoder | |
pRwChVec typedef | TileROD_Decoder | private |
RawChannelMetaData_t typedef | TileROD_Decoder | private |
renounce(T &h) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inlineprotected |
renounceArray(SG::VarHandleKeyArray &handlesArray) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inlineprotected |
ROBData typedef | TileROD_Decoder | |
setLaserVersion(TileLaserObject &laserObject) const | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
setUseFrag0(bool f) | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
setUseFrag1(bool f) | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
setUseFrag4(bool f) | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
setUseFrag5Raw(bool f) | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
setUseFrag5Reco(bool f) | TileROD_Decoder | inline |
StoreGateSvc_t typedef | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | private |
sysInitialize() override | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | virtual |
sysStart() override | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | virtual |
TileFragStatus enum name | TileROD_Decoder | |
TileHid2RESrcID class | TileROD_Decoder | friend |
TileROD_Decoder(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent) | TileROD_Decoder | |
unpack_brod(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, const uint32_t *p, pBeamVec &pBeam, int fragID) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag0(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, DigitsMetaData_t &digitsMetaData, const uint32_t *p, pDigiVec &pDigits, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag1(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, DigitsMetaData_t &digitsMetaData, const uint32_t *p, pDigiVec &pDigits, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag10(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, TileL2Container &v, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag11(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, TileL2Container &v, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag12(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, TileL2Container &v, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag13(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, TileL2Container &v, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag14(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, TileL2Container &v, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag15(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, TileL2Container &v, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, TileLaserObject &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag17(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, const uint32_t *p, TileLaserObject &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag2(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, const uint32_t *p, pRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag2HLT(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, const uint32_t *p, FRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag3(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, const uint32_t *p, pRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag3HLT(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, const uint32_t *p, FRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag4(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, unsigned int unit, RawChannelMetaData_t &rawchannelMetaData, const uint32_t *p, pRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag40(uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, int size, TileDigitsCollection &coll) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag41(uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, int size, TileRawChannelCollection &coll) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag42(uint32_t sourceid, uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, int size, TileMuonReceiverContainer &v) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag4HLT(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, unsigned int unit, const uint32_t *p, FRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag4L2(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, const uint32_t *p, TileL2Container &v, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag5(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, unsigned int unit, DigitsMetaData_t &digitsMetaData, const uint32_t *p, pDigiVec &pDigits, pRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag5HLT(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, unsigned int unit, const uint32_t *p, FRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag5L2(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, TileL2Container &v, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_frag6(uint32_t version, uint32_t sizeOverhead, DigitsMetaData_t &digitsMetaData, const uint32_t *p, pDigiVec &pDigits, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_fragA(uint32_t version, RawChannelMetaData_t &rawchannelMetaData, const uint32_t *p, pRwChVec &pChannel, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
unpack_fragAHLT(uint32_t version, const uint32_t *p, uint16_t rob_bcid, uint16_t &mask, int fragID, int demoType) const | TileROD_Decoder | private |
updateAmpThreshold(int run=-1) | TileROD_Decoder | private |
updateVHKA(Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &) | AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > > | inline |
~AthAlgTool() | AthAlgTool | virtual |
~TileROD_Decoder() | TileROD_Decoder | virtual |