LVL1::RecJetRoI Node1 LVL1::RecJetRoI - m_version + RecJetRoI() + RecJetRoI() + RecJetRoI() + RecJetRoI() + operator=() + ~RecJetRoI() + roiWord() + phi() + eta() + crate() and 14 more... - constructRun1() - constructRun2() - constructRun3() Node2 iRecCoordRoI + iRecCoordRoI() + ~iRecCoordRoI() + eta() + phi() + roiWord() Node2->Node1 Node3 LVL1::CoordinateRange + CoordinateRange() + CoordinateRange() + ~CoordinateRange() + setRanges() + phiRange() + etaRange() + contains() - setCentre() Node3->Node1 -m_coordRange Node4 LVL1::Coordinate - m_phi - m_eta - m_twoPi + Coordinate() + Coordinate() + ~Coordinate() + setCoords() + eta() + phi() # checkBounds() Node4->Node3 Node5 LVL1::Range - m_min - m_max + Range() + Range() + ~Range() + min() + max() + setRange() + contains() - checkValues() Node5->Node3 -m_etaRange Node6 LVL1::PhiRange - m_min - m_max + PhiRange() + PhiRange() + ~PhiRange() + min() + max() + setRange() + contains() + centre() - checkValues() Node6->Node3 -m_phiRange Node7 LVL1::JEPRoIDecoder + JEPRoIDecoder() + ~JEPRoIDecoder() + roiType() + jetRoIVersion() + coordinate() + crate() + module() + row() + column() + thresholdsPassed() and 13 more... - mEtSigThresholdsFlags() - sumEtThresholdsFlags() - missEtThresholdsFlags() - decodeEnergyComponent() - midJEMCoordinate() - leftEndJEMCoordinate() - rightEndJEMCoordinate() - setPhiCoords() Node7->Node1 -m_decoder Node8 LVL1::RoIDecoder # m_DEBUG + RoIDecoder() + ~RoIDecoder() + coordinate() # extractBits() Node8->Node7 Node9 std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > + keys + elements Node9->Node1 -m_triggerThresholdValue -m_windowSize Node10 long Node10->Node1 -m_roiWord -m_thresholdMask