ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # minimal changed settings
2 topSeq.Pythia8_i.Commands += ["Main:writeAllSettings = on",
3  "Main:showAllStatistics = on",
4  "Random:setSeed = on",
5  "Random:seed = 0"]
7 # elastic scattering with Pythia8
8 topSeq.Pythia8_i.Commands += ["SoftQCD:elastic = on", # elastic scattering
9  "SigmaElastic:setOwn = on", # t-generation accoring to elastic formula
10  "SigmaTotal:setOwn = on", # use own total cross section
11  "SigmaTotal:sigmaTot = 100.", # actual value of sig_tot
12  "SigmaElastic:bSlope = 18.", # nuclear slope
13  "SigmaElastic:rho = 0.12.", # rho-parameter
14  "SigmaElastic:lambda = 0.72", # form factor parameter
15  "SigmaElastic:phaseConst = 0.577", # Coulomb phase constant (gamma_E)
16  "SigmaElastic:tAbsMin = 4e-5", # t_min for event generation
17  "Beams:allowMomentumSpread = on", # set up beam class (incoming protons)
18  "Beams:sigmaPxA = 0.010045", # set divergence in Px beam 1 (0.226 murad)
19  "Beams:sigmaPyA = 0.009485", # set divergence in Py beam 1
20  "Beams:sigmaPzA = 0.3955", # set energy smearing beam 1 in GeV (1.13E-4%)
21  "Beams:sigmaPxB = 0.010045", # set divergence in Px beam 2 (0.226 murad)
22  "Beams:sigmaPyB = 0.009485", # set divergence in Py beam 2
23  "Beams:sigmaPzB = 0.3955", # set energy smearing beam 2 in GeV (1.13E-4%)
24  "Beams:maxDevA = 100.0", # cut off smearing at 100 sigma
25  "Beams:maxDevB = 100.0", # cut off smearing at 100 sigma
26  "Beams:allowVertexSpread = on", # beam class vertex
27  "Beams:sigmaVertexX = 0.250 ", # spread in x
28  "Beams:sigmaVertexY = 0.237", # spread in y
29  "Beams:sigmaVertexZ = 0.0", # don't spread in z
30  "Beams:maxDevVertex = 10.0", # cut off spread at 10 sigma
31  "Random:setSeed=on", #from here added#########################################################
32  "Random:seed=4211"]