ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 #ifdef __CINT__
6 #pragma link C++ class TFCSNNLateralShapeParametrization+;
7 #pragma link C++ class TFCSSimpleLateralShapeParametrization+;
8 #pragma link C++ class MeanAndRMS;
9 #pragma link C++ class TreeReader;
10 #pragma link C++ struct FCS_cell+;
11 #pragma link C++ struct FCS_hit+;
12 #pragma link C++ struct FCS_g4hit+;
13 #pragma link C++ struct std::vector<FCS_hit>+;
14 #pragma link C++ struct std::vector<FCS_g4hit>+;
15 #pragma link C++ struct FCS_matchedcell+;
16 #pragma link C++ struct std::vector<FCS_matchedcell>+;
17 #pragma link C++ struct FCS_matchedcellvector+;
18 #pragma link C++ class std::vector<std::vector<Long64_t>>+;
19 #ifndef CaloGeometryFromFile_h
20 #pragma link C++ class CaloGeometryLookup;
21 #pragma link C++ class CaloGeometry;
22 #endif
23 #endif