TauShotFinder::ptSort Node1 TauShotFinder::ptSort + ptSort() + operator()() Node2 TauShotFinder - m_nCellsInEta - m_minPtCut - m_doubleShotCut - m_removeElectronCells - m_caloWeightTool + ASG_TOOL_CLASS2() + TauShotFinder() + ~TauShotFinder() + initialize() + executeShotFinder() - selectCells() - selectSeedCells() - isPhiNeighbour() - getPhiNeighbour() - getEtaNeighbours() - addEtaNeighbours() - createShotCluster() - getEtaBin() - getNPhotons() Node2->Node1 +m_info Node3 TauRecToolBase # m_in_trigger # m_in_AOD # m_in_EleRM # m_tauRecToolsTag + TauRecToolBase() + ~TauRecToolBase() + initialize() + eventInitialize() + execute() + executePi0CreateROI() + executeVertexFinder() + executeTrackFinder() + executeTrackClassifier() + executeShotFinder() and 9 more... # inTrigger() # inAOD() # inEleRM() Node3->Node2 Node4 asg::AsgTool + AsgTool() + ~AsgTool() + AsgTool() + operator=() + initialize() + print() * getProperty() * msg_level_name() * getName() * getKey() Node4->Node3 Node14 ITauToolBase + ~ITauToolBase() + initialize() + eventInitialize() + execute() + executeVertexFinder() + executeTrackFinder() + executeTrackClassifier() + executeShotFinder() + executePi0ClusterCreator() + executeVertexVariables() and 7 more... Node14->Node3 Node15 CaloCell_ID + CaloCell_ID() + ~CaloCell_ID() + initialize_from_dictionary() + em_idHelper() + hec_idHelper() + fcal_idHelper() + tile_idHelper() - CaloCell_ID() - operator=() Node15->Node2 -m_calo_id Node16 CaloCell_Base_ID - m_cell_hash_max - m_region_hash_max - m_cell_min - m_cell_max - m_reg_min - m_reg_max - m_supercell + CaloCell_Base_ID() + ~CaloCell_Base_ID() + GetSubCaloName() + initialize_from_dictionary() + region_id() + region_id() + cell_id() + cell_id() + region_id() + cell_id() and 82 more... - get_subcalo() - CaloCell_Base_ID() - operator=() Node16->Node15 Node86 SG::ReadCondHandleKey < CaloDetDescrManager > + ReadCondHandleKey() + ReadCondHandleKey() Node86->Node2 -m_caloMgrKey Node121 SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloCellContainer > + ReadHandleKey() + ReadHandleKey() + operator=() # ReadHandleKey() # ReadHandleKey() Node121->Node2 -m_caloCellInputContainer Node122 SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector > + ReadHandleKey() + ReadHandleKey() + operator=() # ReadHandleKey() # ReadHandleKey() Node122->Node2 -m_removedClusterInputContainer