Athena::RootSvc Node1 Athena::RootSvc + RootSvc() + initialize() + finalize() + queryInterface() + open() + connect() + commitOutput() + disconnect() + connection() + ~RootSvc() + getType() + readObject() + writeObject() + createObject() + destructObject() + interfaceID() - RootSvc() - RootSvc() - operator=() * getType() * readObject() * writeObject() * createObject() * destructObject() Node2 IRootSvc + ~IRootSvc() + open() + connect() + commitOutput() + disconnect() + connection() + getType() + readObject() + writeObject() + createObject() + destructObject() + interfaceID() * getType() * readObject() * writeObject() * createObject() * destructObject() Node2->Node1 Node3 IInterface Node3->Node2 Node4 AthService - AthService() - AthService() - operator=() Node4->Node1 Node5 AthCommonMsg< Service > + msg() + msg() + msgLvl() Node5->Node4 Node7 std::map< Guid, Athena ::RootConnection * > Node7->Node1 -m_conns Node8 Guid + m_guidGenMethod - m_data1 - m_data2 - m_data3 - m_data4 + Guid() + Guid() + Guid() + Guid() + Guid() + operator=() + operator<() + operator==() + operator==() + operator!=() and 11 more... + null() + initGuidGenMethod() + create() Node8->Node7 +keys Node9 Athena::RootConnection - m_branch - m_branchTypeCode + RootConnection() + ~RootConnection() + connectRead() + connectWrite() + commit() + disconnect() + isConnected() + read() + write() + setContainer() Node9->Node1 -m_wconn Node9->Node7 +elements Node14 ServiceHandle< IDictLoader Svc > Node14->Node1 -m_dictSvc Node15 pool::IFileCatalog # m_mgr # m_fc + IFileCatalog() + ~IFileCatalog() + createFID() + connect() + disconnect() + connectInfo() + start() + init() + commit() + rollback() and 24 more... Node15->Node1 -m_catalog