MuonCalib::RtCalibrationAnalytic Node1 MuonCalib::RtCalibration Analytic - m_control_histograms - m_split_into_ml - m_full_matrix - m_fix_min - m_fix_max - m_max_it - m_force_monotony - m_nb_segments - m_nb_segments_used - m_iteration and 12 more... + RtCalibrationAnalytic() + RtCalibrationAnalytic() + ~RtCalibrationAnalytic() + reliability() + estimatedRtAccuracy() + numberOfSegments() + numberOfSegmentsUsed() + iteration() + splitIntoMultilayers() + fullMatrix() and 18 more... - init() - t_from_r() - display_segment() - performParabolicExtrapolation() Node2 MuonCalib::IMdtCalibration + IMdtCalibration() + ~IMdtCalibration() + setInput() + analyseSegments() + getResults() + name() Node2->Node1 Node5 std::unique_ptr< TH1F > + operator->() Node5->Node1 -m_nb_segment_hits -m_CL -m_cut_evolution Node7 std::unique_ptr< TH2F > + operator->() Node7->Node1 -m_residuals Node9 MuonCalib::Quasianalytic LineReconstruction - m_r_max - m_road_width - m_time_out + QuasianalyticLineReconstruction() + QuasianalyticLineReconstruction() + roadWidth() + setRoadWidth() + setTimeOut() + setMaxRadius() + fit() + fit() + fit() + printLevel() - init() - init() - tangent() - track_candidate() Node9->Node1 -m_tracker Node19 std::unique_ptr< TFile > + operator->() Node19->Node1 -m_tfile Node21 std::vector< CLHEP ::HepVector > Node21->Node1 -m_U Node22 HepVector Node22->Node1 -m_b -m_alpha Node22->Node21 +elements Node23 std::shared_ptr< MuonCalib ::RtCalibrationOutput > + operator->() Node23->Node1 -m_output Node26 std::shared_ptr< const MuonCalib::IRtRelation > + operator->() Node26->Node1 -m_rt