IRegSelLUT Node1 IRegSelLUT + HashIDList() + HashIDList() + ROBIDList() + ROBIDList() + ~IRegSelLUT() Node2 IRegSelTool + DeclareInterfaceID() Node1->Node2 Node3 RegSelectorHashMap - m_stepMinPhi - m_stepMinEta - m_dataList - m_sample - m_layer - m_hashId - m_etamin - m_etamax - m_phimin - m_phimax and 11 more... + HashIDList() + HashIDList() + ROBIDList() + ROBIDList() + ~RegSelectorHashMap() + etaminValue() + etamaxValue() + phiminValue() + phimaxValue() + etaMinOut() and 23 more... - populateMatrix() - populateMatrixRobId() - initMatrix() - writeLine() - MyRound() - regionSelectorIN() - regionSelectorINROB() - phiCondition() - phiConditionRobId() - findIdentifier() - findIdentifierROB() Node1->Node3 Node4 RegSelectorMap - m_barreldataList - m_posdataList - m_negdataList - m_barORend - m_layORdsk - m_hashId - m_robId - m_etamin - m_etamax - m_phimin - m_phimax - m_etaminDet - m_etamaxDet - m_phiminDet - m_phimaxDet + HashIDList() + HashIDList() + ROBIDList() + ROBIDList() + ~RegSelectorMap() + etaminValue() + etamaxValue() + phiminValue() + phimaxValue() + hashIdOut() and 23 more... - findPosition() - findPosition() - findMaxMinValues() - creatingElement() - insertList() - insertDataElement() - writeLine() - readTILE() Node1->Node4 Node5 RegSelSiLUT # m_ID # m_SubDet # m_modules # m_disabled # m_map # m_allHashes # m_allROBids # m_idmap + RegSelSiLUT() + RegSelSiLUT() + RegSelSiLUT() + RegSelSiLUT() + ~RegSelSiLUT() + HashIDList() + HashIDList() + ROBIDList() + ROBIDList() + addModule() and 47 more... + removeDuplicates() # construct() Node1->Node5