ATLAS Offline Software
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bool PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.DoSingleWeight = False
 Nevent adjustment for event filters. More...
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCtphi = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCuphi = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCtcphi = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCctphi = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RC1utR = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RC1utL = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RC3utL = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RC1ctR = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RC1ctL = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RC3ctL = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCtW = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCtB = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCuW = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCuB = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCtcW = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCtcB = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCctW = 0.
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.RCctB = 0.
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.istcH = any("Q2cH" in JO for JO in runArgs.jobConfig) or any("Q2cbarH" in JO for JO in runArgs.jobConfig)
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.thisDSID = runArgs.runNumber
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.model = 'TopFCNC-onlyh'
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.madspin_card_rep = 'madspin_card.dat'
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.madspin_in = 'import run.lhe'
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.madspin_rep = 'set ms_dir MadSpin'
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.madspin_seed = runArgs.randomSeed
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.mscard = open(madspin_card_rep,'w')
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.wtyp = thisDSID%4
 The W decay. More...
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.wstr = ', w- > l- vl~'
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.ttyp = thisDSID%2
 The SM top. More...
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.t2str = 'decay t~ > w- b~'
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.keyName = 'Higgs'
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.theDIDS = thisDSID - 410700 + 104
int PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.qtyp = theDIDS/20
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.t1str = 'decay t > c h'
dictionary PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.coup
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.paramFileName = 'MadGraph_param_card_ttFCNC_NLO_FixedFCNCBR.dat'
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.paramFileNameN = 'param_card.dat'
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.paramFile = subprocess.Popen(['get_files','-data',paramFileName]).communicate()
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.fin = open('','r')
 Start LHE cooking for MadSpin. More...
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.fout = open('run.lhe','w')
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.line = fin.readline()
string PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.eline = str(PowhegConfig.nEvents)+' = nevents\n'
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.unzip = subprocess.Popen(['gunzip','run_decayed.lhe.gz'])
 End of LHE cooking for MadSpin. More...
 PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.t =
list PowhegControl_ttFCNC_NLO.to_delete = [ '<![CDATA[', ']]>' ]