MuonGMR4::RadialStripDesign::stripEdges Node1 MuonGMR4::RadialStripDesign ::stripEdges + distOnBottom + distOnTop + stripEdges() + bottomMounting() + topMounting() + center() + fromBottomToTop() Node11 std::vector< stripEdges > Node1->Node11 +elements Node2 MuonGMR4::RadialStripDesign - m_reversedStripOrder + RadialStripDesign() + operator<() + addStrip() + stripDir() + stripLeftEdge() + stripRightEdge() + stripNormal() + stripLeftBottom() + stripRightBottom() + stripLeftTop() + stripRightTop() + numStrips() + stripNumber() + stripLength() + stripPitch() - leftInterSect() - rightInterSect() Node2->Node1 +parent Node3 MuonGMR4::StripDesign - m_channelShift - m_numStrips - m_stripPitch - m_stripWidth - m_firstStripPos - m_stripDir - m_stripNormal - m_isFlipped - m_hasStereo - m_stereoAngle and 10 more... + StripDesign() + ~StripDesign() + stripPitch() + stripWidth() + numStrips() + defineStripLayout() + halfWidth() + shortHalfHeight() + longHalfHeight() + hasStereoAngle() and 32 more... # insideBoundaries() # stripPosition() # leftInterSect() # rightInterSect() # leftInterSect() # rightInterSect() # stripCenter() - setStereoAngle() - resetDirCache() - AmgSymMatrix() - AmgSymMatrix() Node3->Node2 Node4 AthMessaging - m_msg_tls - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE + AthMessaging() + AthMessaging() + ~AthMessaging() + msgLvl() + msg() + msg() + setLevel() - AthMessaging() - AthMessaging() - operator=() - initMessaging() Node4->Node3 Node5 std::atomic< IMessageSvc * > + ptr Node5->Node4 -m_imsg Node6 std::string Node6->Node4 -m_nm Node8 std::atomic< MSG::Level > + ptr Node8->Node4 -m_lvl Node9 CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr T< Amg::Vector2D > + CachedUniquePtrT() + CachedUniquePtrT() + CachedUniquePtrT() + operator=() + ~CachedUniquePtrT() + set() + store() + get() + operator*() + operator->() + operator bool() + release() Node9->Node3 -m_dirTopEdge -m_dirRightEdge -m_dirBotEdge -m_dirLeftEdge Node10 std::atomic< Amg::Vector2 D * > + ptr Node10->Node9 -m_ptr Node11->Node2 -m_strips