ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Variables
LArCalorimeter/LArCalibDataQuality/python/ File Reference

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list Thresholds.pedThr
 exampleGroup=["0, 21.1", Default value "[EMB,EMECIW,EMECOW/C/*/*/*/*] 1, 22.2", #Something else for the EM C side "[FCAL/A/*/*/*/*] 2, 24.4", # Again something else for the FCAl A "[EMB/C/1/0/0-32/*] 3, 32.2", # This one for the "[EMECIW/*/1/0/3/4] 4, 42.2", # ] More...
list Thresholds.rmsThr
list Thresholds.pedThrFEB
list Thresholds.rmsThrFEB
list Thresholds.acThr
list Thresholds.acThrFEB
list Thresholds.rampThr
list Thresholds.rampThrFEB
list Thresholds.cwAmpThr
list Thresholds.cwFWHMThr
list Thresholds.cwAmpThrFEB
list Thresholds.cwFWHMThrFEB