MissingEtCollHandle Node1 MissingEtCollHandle - m_cut_allowedPhi - m_cut_phi_allowall - m_cut_phi_allwillfail + hintNumberOfHandlesInEvent() + addHandle() + handleIterationBegin() + getNextHandle() + getHandlesList() + MissingEtCollHandle() + ~MissingEtCollHandle() + init() + setupSettingsFromController Specific() + collSettingsButton() + persistifiableState() + setState() + availableCollections() + setCutAllowedPhi() # load() # cut() # defaultColor() # getCutAllowedPhi() # getPhiAllowall() - resetCachedValuesCuts() - setMetSize() Node68 MissingEtCollHandle::Imp + updateGUICounter + handlesList + scale + randomColours + possiblyUpdateGUI() Node1->Node68 +theclass Node2 AODCollHandleBase - m_nshownhandles - m_type + AODCollHandleBase() + init() + ~AODCollHandleBase() + setupSettingsFromController() + name() + common() + common() + sepHelper() + sepHelper() + setSepHelper() and 12 more... # setupSettingsFromController Specific() # hintNumberOfHandlesInEvent() # addHandle() # handleIterationBegin() # getNextHandle() # getHandlesList() # cut() # cleanupPtrContainer() # recheckCutStatus() # provideCollTypeID() and 9 more... - fillObjectBrowser() - updateObjectBrowserVisibility Counts() - colourByComboBoxItemChanged() - collVisibilityChanged() - resetCachedValuesCuts() Node2->Node1 Node23 AODCollHandleBase::Imp + name + objBrowseTree Node2->Node23 +theclass Node3 VP1StdCollection + VP1StdCollection() + init() + ~VP1StdCollection() + visible() + isLoaded() + problemsLoading() + text() + collSwitch() + collSep() + material() and 7 more... + setVisible() + possibleChangeMatTranspOr Brightness() # provideWidgetsForGuiRow() # provideText() # checkBoxToolTip() # matButtonToolTip() # assignDefaultMaterial() # collMaterialTransparency AndBrightnessChanged() # load() # provideExtraWidgetsForGuiRow() # extraWidgetsState() # setExtraWidgetsState() # provideCollTypeID() # providePersistifiableID() - VP1StdCollection() - operator=() Node3->Node2 Node4 QObject Node4->Node3 Node19 VP1ExtraSepLayerHelper + VP1ExtraSepLayerHelper() + ~VP1ExtraSepLayerHelper() + topSeparator() + numberOfNodesPerExtraSep() + addNode() + removeNode() + largeChangesBegin() + largeChangesEnd() + addNodeUnderMaterial() + removeNodeUnderMaterial() + moveNodeToNewMaterial() - VP1ExtraSepLayerHelper() - operator=() Node19->Node2 -m_sephelper Node23->Node2 -m_dbase Node24 AODSysCommonData - m_singlePoint + AODSysCommonData() + ~AODSysCommonData() + system() + system() + controller() + controller() + singlePoint() + extrapolator() + setExtrapolator() + registerHandle() + deregisterHandle() + getHandleFromNode() + getNodeFromBrowser() + getHandleFromNode() + setLastSelectedHandle() Node24->Node2 -m_commonData Node68->Node1 -m_d Node69 std::vector< MissingEtHandle * > Node69->Node68 +itHandles +itHandlesEnd +handles Node72 MissingEtCollectionSettings Button + MissingEtCollectionSettings Button() + ~MissingEtCollectionSettings Button() + setDimension() + setMaterial() + copyValuesFromMaterial() + lastAppliedTransparency() + lastAppliedShininess() + lastAppliedBrightness() + cutAllowedR() + cutAllowedZ() + metLength() + metThickness() + cutAllowedPhi() + saveState() + restoreFromState() + showEditMaterialDialog() + setMaterialText() # mousePressEvent() # mouseMoveEvent() # dropEvent() # dragEnterEvent() # updateButton() - updateVertexDrawStyle() - updateVertexLightModel() Node72->Node68 +collSettingsButton