CollectionByteStreamCnv< TOOL > Node1 CollectionByteStreamCnv < TOOL > - m_tool + initialize() + createObj() + createRep() + repSvcType() + storageType() + classID() # CollectionByteStreamCnv() Node2 Converter # m_beamX # m_beamY # m_beamZ + Converter() + Converter() + addTrack() + tracks() + clear() + selectTracks() + selectTracks() + selectTracks() # phiCorr() # ipCorr() Node2->Node1 Node3 std::vector< TIDA:: Track * > Node3->Node2 #m_tracks Node4 TIDA::Track # m_eta # m_phi # m_z0 # m_a0 # m_pT # m_chi2 # m_dof # m_deta # m_dphi # m_dz0 and 15 more... + Track() + Track() + ~Track() + eta() + phi() + z0() + a0() + pT() + chi2() + dof() and 27 more... # ClassDef() Node4->Node3 +elements Node5 TObject Node5->Node4 Node6 long Node6->Node4 #m_id Node7 IROBDataProviderSvc + DeclareInterfaceID() + addROBData() + setNextEvent() + setNextEvent() + getROBData() + getEvent() + setEventStatus() + getEventStatus() + addROBData() + setNextEvent() and 8 more... Node7->Node1 -m_robDataProvider Node8 IInterface Node8->Node7