ATLAS Offline Software
CustomMonopole Member List

This is the complete list of members for CustomMonopole, including all inherited members.

CustomMonopole(const G4String &aName, G4double mass, G4double width, G4double charge, G4int iSpin, G4int iParity, G4int iConjugation, G4int iIsospin, G4int iIsospin3, G4int gParity, const G4String &pType, G4int lepton, G4int baryon, G4int encoding, G4bool stable, G4double lifetime, G4DecayTable *decaytable)CustomMonopole
MagneticCharge() constCustomMonopoleinline
PrintMonopoleInfo() constCustomMonopole
SetMagneticCharge(G4double mCharge=1.0)CustomMonopoleinline