LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCStripHighPtBoard Node1 LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCStrip HighPtBoard + TGCStripHighPtBoard() + ~TGCStripHighPtBoard() # highLowSelector() # decodeSlaveBoardOut() # doCoincidenceMatrix() # setDecoderIn() # clearDecoderIn() # divideTSBOut() # getNonLinearDelta() Node2 LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCHighPt Board # m_highPtChipOut # m_highPtBoardOut # m_lowPtBoardOut # m_DSB # m_TSB # m_DSBOut # m_TSBOut # m_adjacentHPB # m_decoderInTSB # m_decoderInDSB and 14 more... - s_NumberOfTSBOut - s_NumberOfDSBOut + ~TGCHighPtBoard() + clockIn() + getOutput() + eraseOutput() + getId() + setId() + getType() + setType() + getRegion() + setRegion() + setDSB() + setTSB() + getTSBOut() + setAdjacentHPB() + showResult() # TGCHighPtBoard() # TGCHighPtBoard() # operator=() # collectInput() # createHighPtChipOut() # createHighPtBoardOut() # createLowPtBoardOut() # doCoincidence() # trackSelector() # highLowSelector() and 8 more... Node2->Node1