VP1PluginDialog Node1 VP1PluginDialog + VP1PluginDialog() + ~VP1PluginDialog() + unloadfile() - pluginSelected() - unloadclicked() - updateRefreshInfo() Node3 VP1PluginDialog::Imp + label_selectplugin + comboBox_plugins + label_fullpathtitle + label_fullpath + label_channels + pushButton_unload + textBrowser_channels + index_2_fullpath + unloadfile + setInfo() Node1->Node3 +pd Node2 QDialog Node2->Node1 Node3->Node1 -m_d Node4 VP1ExecutionScheduler + setCruiseMode() + executeNewEvent() + VP1ExecutionScheduler() + ~VP1ExecutionScheduler() + bringFromConstructedToReady() + uncreateAndDelete() + isRefreshing() + hasAllActiveSystemsRefreshed() + nextRequestedEventFile() + setNextRequestedEventFile() + userRequestedFiles() + saveSnaphsotToFile() + init() + cleanup() - refreshSystem() - eraseSystem() - actualUncreateAndDelete() - processSystemForRefresh() - updateProgressBarDuringRefresh() - channelCreated() - channelUncreated() - startRefreshQueueIfAppropriate() - systemNeedErase() - performCruise() Node4->Node3 +scheduler Node6 VP1ExecutionScheduler::Imp + batchMode + batchModeAllEvents + batchModeNEvents + batchModeRandomConfig + refreshtimer + allSystemsRefreshed + goingtonextevent + pb + calctimethisevent + currentrefreshsystemestimate and 7 more... + updateProgressBar() + allVisibleRefreshed() + allSoonVisibleRefreshed() + initCruise() + performPostRefreshCruise Actions() + warnIfWidgetsAlive() Node4->Node6 +scheduler Node5 QObject Node5->Node4 Node7 IVP1System - s_vp1verbose + IVP1System() + ~IVP1System() + name() + information() + contact_info() + controllerWidget() + saveState() + restoreFromState() + message() + messageDebug() and 15 more... + verbose() # create() # refresh() # erase() # uncreate() # registerController() - IVP1System() - operator=() - disallowUpdateGUI() - allowUpdateGUI() - setChannel() - channel() - deleteController() - setState() - setActiveState() - isRefreshing() - setRefreshing() - setCanRegisterController() Node5->Node7 Node15 VP1AvailEvents + VP1AvailEvents() + init() + ~VP1AvailEvents() + allLocalEvents() + freshEvents() + newestEvent() + setCurrentEvent() + maxLocalFilesToKeep() # cleanupAndCheckForEventList Changes() # invalidateDirCache() # inHistory() # allEventFilesInDir() # freshEvents() # tmpDir() # tmpLocalFileDir() # tmpActiveRetrievalDir() # timeCutForNew() # requireNewestRunNumber() # isConsideredFresh() # messageDebug() - actualCleanup() - actualCheckForEventListChanges() Node5->Node15 Node31 VP1ChannelManager + VP1ChannelManager() + ~VP1ChannelManager() + loadPluginFile() + unloadPluginFile() + currentPluginFiles() + channelsInPluginFile() + basename2UniqueNames() + deleteChannel() + getChannel() + nActive() and 10 more... Node5->Node31 Node6->Node4 -m_d Node7->Node6 +currentsystemrefreshing Node15->Node6 +availEvents Node20 VP1BatchUtilities - m_indexFile - m_lastIndexFile + VP1BatchUtilities() + ~VP1BatchUtilities() + getRandomConfigFile() + overlayATLASlogo() + overlayEventDetails() Node20->Node6 +batchUtilities Node31->Node3 +channelmanager