ATLAS Offline Software
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1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 //
6 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 // // //
8 // // Implementation of class TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack //
9 // // //
10 // // Author: Thomas H. Kittelmann ( //
11 // // Initial version: March 2008 //
12 // // //
13 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 //
15 // #include "VP1TrackSystems/TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack.h"
16 // #include "FatrasEvent/TrackParticleState.h"
17 // #include "FatrasEvent/TruthAssociation.h"
18 // #include "AtlasHepMC/GenParticle.h"
19 //
20 // //____________________________________________________________________
21 // class TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack::Imp {
22 // public:
23 // Imp (const Fatras::TrackParticleState* s) : state(s) {}
24 // const Fatras::TrackParticleState* state;
25 // };
26 //
27 // //____________________________________________________________________
28 // TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack::TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack(TrackCollHandleBase* ch,const Fatras::TrackParticleState* state)
29 // : TrackHandle_TrkTrack(ch,&(state->associatedTrack())), d(new Imp(state))
30 // {
31 // }
32 //
33 // //____________________________________________________________________
34 // QStringList TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack::clicked() const
35 // {
36 // QStringList l;
37 // l << "Fatras Truth Trk::Track";
38 // QStringList l2 = TrackHandle_TrkTrack::clicked();
39 // if (l2.count()>1) {
40 // l << "Track information:";
41 // for(int i = 1; i < l2.count(); ++i)
42 // l <<;//we ignore the first line.
43 // }
44 // l << "Truth information:";
45 // l << "pdgCode = "+QString::number(pdgCode());
46 // return l;
47 //
48 // //NB: For printing, note the TruthAssociation has method:
49 // // const AssociationType associationType() const;
50 // // enum AssociationType { direct = 0,
51 // // decay = 1,
52 // // brem = 2,
53 // // conversion = 3 };
54 //
55 // }
56 //
57 // //____________________________________________________________________
58 // Amg::Vector3D TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack::momentum() const
59 // {
60 // return TrackHandle_TrkTrack::momentum();//FIXME: HERE SINCE NEXT LINE CRASHES FOR SECONDARIES!!!
61 // //return d->state->momentum();
62 // }
63 //
64 // //____________________________________________________________________
65 // const Amg::Vector3D * TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack::startPoint() const
66 // {
67 // return &(d->state->position());
68 // }
69 //
70 // //____________________________________________________________________
71 // int TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack::pdgCode() const
72 // {
73 // Fatras::TruthAssociation * ta = d->state->truthAssociation();
74 // if (!ta)
75 // return 0;
76 // const HepMC::GenParticle* gp = ta->genParticle();
77 // return gp ? gp->pdg_id() : 0;
78 // }
79 //
80 // //____________________________________________________________________
81 // double TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack::calculateCharge() const
82 // {
83 // return TrackHandle_TrkTrack::calculateCharge();//FIXME: HERE SINCE NEXT LINE CRASHES FOR SECONDARIES!!!
84 // return d->state->charge();
85 // }
86 //
87 // //____________________________________________________________________
88 // Trk::ParticleHypothesis TrackHandle_FatrasTruthTrack::extrapolationParticleHypothesis() const
89 // {
90 // return d->state->particleHypothesis();
91 // }