MuonCalib::MuonCalibTrackSummary Node1 MuonCalib::MuonCalibTrack Summary + nhits + npixel + nsct + ntrtBarrel + ntrtEndcap + nhitsUpperHemisphere + nhitsLowerHemisphere + nscatters + nholes + noutliers and 16 more... + nmdtCh() + nrpcCh() + ntgcCh() + ncscCh() + nrpcEtaPhiCh() + ntgcEtaPhiCh() + ncscEtaPhiCh() + ntrt() + nphiTrigHits() + netaTrigHits() + nmdtHitsPerMl() + hasEndcap() + hasMuon() + hasId() + dump() Node2 std::set< MuonFixedIdManipulator ::StationIndex > + keys Node2->Node1 +precisionStationLayers +goodPrecisionStationLayers Node3 std::vector< MuonCalib ::MuonCalibTrackSummary ::ChamberHitSummary > Node3->Node1 +chamberHitSummary Node4 MuonCalib::MuonCalibTrack Summary::ChamberHitSummary + ChamberHitSummary() + isMdt() + nhits() + nholes() + noutliers() + ndeltas() + netaHits() + nphiHits() + nMdtHitsMl1() + nMdtHitsMl2() + etaProjection() + phiProjection() + etaProjection() + phiProjection() Node4->Node3 +elements Node5 MuonCalib::MuonCalibTrack Summary::ChamberHitSummary ::Projection + nhits + nholes + noutliers + ndeltas Node5->Node4 -m_first -m_second Node6 MuonCalib::MuonFixedId + technologyMDT + technologyCSC + technologyTGC + technologyRPC - m_data - kInvalidData - kTechnologyMask - kTechnologyShift - kTechnologyMin - kNumberOfTechnologies - kTechnologyStrings - kStationNameMask - kStationNameShift - kStationNameMin - kStationEtaMask and 57 more... + MuonFixedId() + MuonFixedId() + getIdInt() + clear() + isValid() + is_mdt() + is_tgc() + is_csc() + is_rpc() + set_mdt() and 92 more... + technologyMin() + stationNameMin() + etaMin() + phiMin() + technologyMax() + stationNameMax() + etaMax() + phiMax() + stationStringToFixedStation Number() + stationNumberToFixedStation String() and 14 more... Node6->Node4 +chId Node7 std::set< MuonFixedIdManipulator ::PhiStationIndex > + keys Node7->Node1 +phiStationLayers +phiEtaStationLayers