ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # assume two TDCs for H6
2 TBPhaseRec.TDCNames = [ # the TDC(s) with phase information
3  "word1frag0x03chan0",
4  "word2frag0x03chan0"
5  ]
6 TBPhaseRec.TDCToTime = [-0.05*ns, -0.05*ns] # per TDC
7 TBPhaseRec.TDCwac = [ 658., 390.] # wrap around constants
8 TBPhaseRec.TDCMin = [ 320., 320.] # used only for choosing the best TDC if necessary
9 TBPhaseRec.TTCClockPeriod = 25.*ns
10 TBPhaseRec.TimeBins = 25 # 0 <= phase index <= (TimeBins - 1)
11 TBPhaseRec.TBPhaseKey = "TBPhase" # key of the TBPhase object that TBPhaseRec tries to create