BTaggingSelectionTool Node1 BTaggingSelectionTool - m_initialised - m_ErrorOnTagWeightFailure - m_StoreNConstituents - m_continuous - m_continuous2D - m_useCTag - m_maxEta - m_minPt - m_maxRangePt - m_taggerEnum + BTaggingSelectionTool() + initialize() + accept() + accept() + accept() + accept() + accept() + accept() + getQuantile() + getQuantile() and 9 more... - checkRange() - InitializeTaggerVariables() - SetTaggerEnum() - ExtractTaggerProperties() - split() Node2 asg::AsgTool + AsgTool() + ~AsgTool() + AsgTool() + operator=() + initialize() + print() * getProperty() * msg_level_name() * getName() * getKey() Node2->Node1 Node3 asg::IAsgTool + ~IAsgTool() + print() Node3->Node2 Node12 IBTaggingSelectionTool + accept() + accept() + accept() + accept() + accept() + accept() + getQuantile() + getQuantile() + getQuantile() + getQuantile() and 6 more... Node3->Node12 Node13 IAsgSelectionTool + getAcceptInfo() + accept() Node3->Node13 Node12->Node1 Node13->Node1 Node14 TFile Node14->Node1 -m_inf Node15 std::string Node15->Node1 -m_wps_raw -m_ContinuousBenchmarks -m_taggerName -m_jetAuthor -m_OP -m_CutFileName Node17 asg::AcceptInfo + NBITS + AcceptInfo() + getName() + getNCuts() + getCutMask() + addCut() + getCutPosition() + getCutName() + getCutDescription() + getCutDescription() + setCutDescription() + setCutDescription() Node15->Node17 -m_name Node20 BTaggingSelectionTool ::taggerproperties + fraction_b + fraction_c + fraction_tau + constcut + cuts2D + get2DCutValue() Node15->Node20 +name Node17->Node1 -m_acceptinfo Node20->Node1 -m_tagger Node23 std::vector< double > + elements Node23->Node1 -m_continuouscuts