Trk::TrkBaseNode Node1 Trk::TrkBaseNode # m_nodeState # m_chi2Cut # m_nodeType # m_dChi2 # m_ndof + TrkBaseNode() + ~TrkBaseNode() + validateMeasurement() + updateTrackState() + report() + isValidated() + setNodeState() + getNodeState() + setNodeType() + getNodeType() and 13 more... Node2 Trk::TrkPlanarSurface - m_Params - m_Center - m_Normal - m_M - m_L - m_Rc - m_radLength - m_input - m_breakPoint + TrkPlanarSurface() + ~TrkPlanarSurface() + getParameters() + getPar() + radiusVector() + getCenter() + getNormal() + getRotMatrix() + getInvRotMatrix() + getRadLength() and 11 more... - calculateInverseTransform() Node2->Node1 #m_pSurface Node49 Trk::TrkTrackState # m_Rk # m_Re # m_Gk # m_Ge # m_scattMode # m_isScattered # m_A + TrkTrackState() + TrkTrackState() + TrkTrackState() + ~TrkTrackState() + report() + resetCovariance() + serialize() + getSurface() + attachToSurface() + setScatteringMode() and 14 more... Node2->Node49 #m_pSurface Node3 Trk::Surface # m_owner # s_onSurfaceTolerance + Surface() + ~Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + operator==() + operator!=() + clone() + uniqueClone() and 48 more... # Surface() # operator=() # Surface() # operator=() # inverseTransformHelper() # inverseTransformMultHelper() Node3->Node2 -m_trkSurface Node4 Trk::ObjectCounter < Trk::Surface > + s_numberOfInstantiations + numberOfInstantiations() # ObjectCounter() # ObjectCounter() # ObjectCounter() # ~ObjectCounter() # operator=() # operator=() Node4->Node3 Node45 Identifier - m_id + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + operator=() + operator=() + ~Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() and 38 more... - operator|=() - operator&=() - extract() - mask_shift() - extract() Node45->Node3 #m_associatedDetElementId Node50 Trk::PrepRawData - m_localPos - m_localCovariance + PrepRawData() + PrepRawData() + PrepRawData() + operator=() + operator=() + ~PrepRawData() + PrepRawData() + PrepRawData() + PrepRawData() + PrepRawData() and 11 more... Node45->Node50 -m_clusId Node52 std::vector< Identifier > Node45->Node52 +elements Node49->Node1 #m_pTrackState Node49->Node49 #m_pPrevState Node50->Node1 #m_pPRD Node51 Trk::ObjectCounter < Trk::PrepRawData > + s_numberOfInstantiations + numberOfInstantiations() # ObjectCounter() # ObjectCounter() # ObjectCounter() # ~ObjectCounter() # operator=() # operator=() Node51->Node50 Node52->Node50 -m_rdoList Node53 IdentContIndex - m_collHash - m_objIndex + IdentContIndex() + IdentContIndex() + IdentContIndex() + collHash() + objIndex() + hashAndIndex() + isValid() + setHashAndIndex() + setCollHash() + setObjIndex() Node53->Node50 -m_indexAndHash